Introduce Yourself

Hi Everyone, I'm Syluss an Artist & Tattooist from the UK. Nice to meet you all. John has always been a favourite of mine growing up. I feel grateful to have visited the Dakota and Strawberry Fields in New York, as well as his home in Liverpool and all the places he got to hang out growing up there. Liverpool to me, is one of the greatest cities in the UK and although I don't live there, I visit as often as I can. :D Peace to one and all x
Nice to meet you Syluss!! I’d love to see some of you art! 🤍
Hello everyone! My name is Charles and I've been a huge fan since I was but a wee lad. My dad gave me a cassette of Sgt. Pepper for Christmas when I was 6 or 7 and it was like a switch flipped in my brain. John's always been the one I gravitated to most, I think because no matter what he's singing, his voice let's you know he really means what he's saying. Even when it's a bunch of gobbledy-gook, it sounds important coming across with that voice of his.
Welcome Charles!! ✌️
Tap… Tap… Is this thing on?
Hi, I’m Atomic Elroy a Digital Media artist specializing in Video Installation and Performance. I love how this message board format has survived all these years since the early networked computers days.
Welcome mate!! We’re happy to have you 😎✌️
Hello, people with good musical taste!

About 20 years ago (no pun intended), I had the pleasure and honor to create the community. I'd love to get back in touch with all of those who were regulars and contributed to make that old forum a very special place. This is gonna be great. See you around!
Hello, people with good musical taste!

About 20 years ago (no pun intended), I had the pleasure and honor to create the community. I'd love to get back in touch with all of those who were regulars and contributed to make that old forum a very special place. This is gonna be great. See you around!
I didn’t know about another forum, definitely share more! We can compare both to see what we could bring back to this one 😁 Happy to have you here!
I didn’t know about another forum, definitely share more! We can compare both to see what we could bring back to this one 😁 Happy to have you here!
Thanks for the welcome, @skylarmoody !

At the time, there was no official communication channel on the internet and it was just a board created to gather John's fans from all over the world. It was amazing! We reached over 10k registered members, which was a big number back then. With very active members and no social media competition yet, we had days with over a thousand messages. It's long gone, now. It didn't resist spam bots and the boom of social media. :-(
Hello, people with good musical taste!

About 20 years ago (no pun intended), I had the pleasure and honor to create the community. I'd love to get back in touch with all of those who were regulars and contributed to make that old forum a very special place. This is gonna be great. See you around!
Great to have you here. Please spread the word! Thankyou!

Thanks for the welcome, @skylarmoody !

At the time, there was no official communication channel on the internet and it was just a board created to gather John's fans from all over the world. It was amazing! We reached over 10k registered members, which was a big number back then. With very active members and no social media competition yet, we had days with over a thousand messages. It's long gone, now. It didn't resist spam bots and the boom of social media. :-(
That’s such a shame :( I love knowing that even back then, fans still found a way to communicate with each other worldwide! I’ve always been in love with the idea of fan communities and spreading the love, especially to the next generation. I’m hoping we can replicate that same love here :)
Hello, people with good musical taste!

About 20 years ago (no pun intended), I had the pleasure and honor to create the community. I'd love to get back in touch with all of those who were regulars and contributed to make that old forum a very special place. This is gonna be great. See you around!
Hello! So nice to meet you 😊 I'm very glad that the Estate created this wonderful place to gather all of us together, fans like myself who started loving John 5 years ago and fans like you who even had a community decades ago, wow! The love we all have for John really is a love that lasts forever 🤍👏🏻
Hi Everyone, I'm Syluss an Artist & Tattooist from the UK. Nice to meet you all. John has always been a favourite of mine growing up. I feel grateful to have visited the Dakota and Strawberry Fields in New York, as well as his home in Liverpool and all the places he got to hang out growing up there. Liverpool to me, is one of the greatest cities in the UK and although I don't live there, I visit as often as I can. :D Peace to one and all x
Welcome, Syluss! ❤️
Hello everyone! My name is Charles and I've been a huge fan since I was but a wee lad. My dad gave me a cassette of Sgt. Pepper for Christmas when I was 6 or 7 and it was like a switch flipped in my brain. John's always been the one I gravitated to most, I think because no matter what he's singing, his voice let's you know he really means what he's saying. Even when it's a bunch of gobbledy-gook, it sounds important coming across with that voice of his.
Hi, Charles! Glad to know that you love John like that, he deserves.
Hello, people with good musical taste!

About 20 years ago (no pun intended), I had the pleasure and honor to create the community. I'd love to get back in touch with all of those who were regulars and contributed to make that old forum a very special place. This is gonna be great. See you around!
What a pleasure to have you here. Let's keep John's legacy living on. <3
Tap… Tap… Is this thing on?
Hi, I’m Atomic Elroy a Digital Media artist specializing in Video Installation and Performance. I love how this message board format has survived all these years since the early networked computers days. Peace.
Hello! Be welcome! ❤️
Hi, I’m Scott and have been a huge Beatles fan my entire life. I loved listening to my Dad’s albums growing up but my obsession went way beyond his because I didn’t stop till I had everything that was released, meaning all the solo albums. I’ve been to Liverpool a few times and was lucky enough to see Macca live there in 2003. I love all the Beatles but Lennon has always been my favorite. I love music in general but The Beatles are and always will be the greatest band of all time! I’m a huge fan of Lennon’s solo career as well. Hi everyone!
Hi, I’m Scott and have been a huge Beatles fan my entire life. I loved listening to my Dad’s albums growing up but my obsession went way beyond his because I didn’t stop till I had everything that was released, meaning all the solo albums. I’ve been to Liverpool a few times and was lucky enough to see Macca live there in 2003. I love all the Beatles but Lennon has always been my favorite. I love music in general but The Beatles are and always will be the greatest band of all time! I’m a huge fan of Lennon’s solo career as well. Hi everyone!
Hello, Scott. ❤️ You definitely had good memories with your dad and I'm happy that your love for John is here until today.
Hiya, I am Winni a friendly helpful interested in everything motorbiker who loves to sit in his garden and listen to world wide radio stations enjoying fresh winds from Baltic Sea.
NUTOPIAN Ambassador with the first NUTOPIAN EMBASSY in Scharbeutz.
Imagine NUTOPIA with Peace and Love from Scharbeutz
Peace and love, Winni. ❤️
Hi, I’m Scott and have been a huge Beatles fan my entire life. I loved listening to my Dad’s albums growing up but my obsession went way beyond his because I didn’t stop till I had everything that was released, meaning all the solo albums. I’ve been to Liverpool a few times and was lucky enough to see Macca live there in 2003. I love all the Beatles but Lennon has always been my favorite. I love music in general but The Beatles are and always will be the greatest band of all time! I’m a huge fan of Lennon’s solo career as well. Hi everyone!
Hi Scott!! Happy to have you here :)
Hiya, I am Winni a friendly helpful interested in everything motorbiker who loves to sit in his garden and listen to world wide radio stations enjoying fresh winds from Baltic Sea.
NUTOPIAN Ambassador with the first NUTOPIAN EMBASSY in Scharbeutz.
Imagine NUTOPIA with Peace and Love from Scharbeutz
Welcome Winni!! ✌️