Introduce Yourself

Hello, fellow Citizens of Nutopia. As a 70+ year old Beatles fan, I was there from the beginning. The soundtrack of our lives was created by John, Paul, George & Ringo, & I am thrilled to become an official citizen! Love to you all!
Peace and love right back! ✌️🤍
Hello all! I’m Jussi from Finland. John Lennon and The Beatles have been my guiding light in my dark hours - and good ones. Ever since I bought my first Beatles compilation album in 1979. And there was more Beatles and John when the rockradio started in the summer of 1980. Thank you, John!
Hello all! I’m Jussi from Finland. John Lennon and The Beatles have been my guiding light in my dark hours - and good ones. Ever since I bought my first Beatles compilation album in 1979. And there was more Beatles and John when the rockradio started in the summer of 1980. Thank you, John!
Welcome Jussi!! ✌️🤍
Hello all! I’m Jussi from Finland. John Lennon and The Beatles have been my guiding light in my dark hours - and good ones. Ever since I bought my first Beatles compilation album in 1979. And there was more Beatles and John when the rockradio started in the summer of 1980. Thank you, John!
Hello, Jussi. We all feel the same with John, he IS a special person. ❤️
Hi Everyone, I'm Syluss an Artist & Tattooist from the UK. Nice to meet you all. John has always been a favourite of mine growing up. I feel grateful to have visited the Dakota and Strawberry Fields in New York, as well as his home in Liverpool and all the places he got to hang out growing up there. Liverpool to me, is one of the greatest cities in the UK and although I don't live there, I visit as often as I can. :D Peace to one and all x
Hello everyone! My name is Charles and I've been a huge fan since I was but a wee lad. My dad gave me a cassette of Sgt. Pepper for Christmas when I was 6 or 7 and it was like a switch flipped in my brain. John's always been the one I gravitated to most, I think because no matter what he's singing, his voice let's you know he really means what he's saying. Even when it's a bunch of gobbledy-gook, it sounds important coming across with that voice of his.