Introduce Yourself

Arf, Arf, he goes, a merry sight,
Our hairy little friend,
Arf, Arf, upon the lampost bright
Arfing round the bend.
Nice dog! Goo boy,
Waggie tail and beg,
Clever Nigel, jump for joy
Because we're putting you to sleep at three of the clock, Nigel.
I can hear this EXACTLY in John’s voice 😂
Hello Hello fellow Nutopians!!! ✌️❤️✨

I'm Tom, Co-Founder of the Lumenate app 👋

Hyped to be hear and see this space grow. If anyone wants to or has checked out the Lumenate App and our psychedelic Mind Games (Meditation Mixes) experience, I'd love to hear from you in our sub-forum here:
Hello, Tom! Nice to meet you 😊🤍 I experienced the Lumenate Mind Games mixes right from the moment they were announced and appreciated every second of it. It works really well with my hypnotherapy sessions, especially with John's vocals guiding everything!
Hello Hello fellow Nutopians!!! ✌️❤️✨

I'm Tom, Co-Founder of the Lumenate app 👋

Hyped to be hear and see this space grow. If anyone wants to or has checked out the Lumenate App and our psychedelic Mind Games (Meditation Mixes) experience, I'd love to hear from you in our sub-forum here:
Hello, Tom! You did an amazing job. The app is very useful to me and with John it is the perfect match. Nice to meet you. ❤️
Hello good Citizens of Nutopia! It's me! Welcome to our little magic corner of the Interwebs!

Hey, Sean ☺️ 🤍 thank you and all your team for creating a wonderful and safe space for all of us!
