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Not to confident in drawing Yoko in my style yet so I drew her as a Tibetan fox.. idk I thought it weirdly fit her))))
I think it looks great, the look with her eyes, the smile the way she's holding the cigarette. You can feel the affection in the drawing. Sometimes I think the more abstract a portrait the more of the essence of that person you feel because you're showing their vibe.
This is the story of a 14 years old teen being bullied for being "different" and doesn't fit in society...until a miracle came and changed her life forever.
The story is about me. And this is how I made it look beautiful: tattoos created 100% by myself, for me.
I didn't do it just because it's what I like.
I did it because it saved me at my lowest.
First came John, then came all of them together.View attachment 513
View attachment 512
I think they're beautiful! Heartfelt, I can feel the love looking at them.
I am a writer and I teach people how to write and translate their souls into words.

This September I am going to teach young children how to write postcards: I made two options, one of Abbey Road and other of the Yellow Submarine so they can color.

My idea came after the Ringo's book, Postcards From The Boys. He collected the postcards from George, John and Paul for years before publishing.

If the Beatles loved postcard, it is a good sign that children would love too.

My classes are free and in poor aeras. I believe that that is my art: introduce the Beatles and writing postcards so children will love both forever. Simple but efficient.
Bless you! I think that is so touching and beautiful. As a teacher for you to use art in a way to make things brighter and more interesting while sharing what you love--that is magic. Best of luck with what you're doing and those kids are lucky to have you.
Sketchbook page from yesterday evening! Trying to do more portraits...View attachment 473
Such an immediate reaction I get from your art--just love that. Great energy and looks a bit mixed media which is awesome and helps bring out that energy and expression. Wonderful use of colors, too. You can say so much with color, it's how our minds and souls react to it. One of my favorite artists is Chagall and this makes me think of that with the colors. I like the om symbol above the flower, very good.
this is my most recent john drawing
I love your style. It has a strong impact with the greyscale and the light. It makes me think of Christianity, makes me think of Buddhism, but most important--we can all be a light in the dark, and you understand that in the way you created this. Beautiful!
This is one of my best songs I've written. It's a suite. I wrote it in a chapel at the end of a difficult time last summer. I wrote it for Anna. The beginning is like a portrait of a stroll to work in the morning. Then the song becomes like a rockin' anthem for redemption, peace, and love. I hope you like it.