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Polly wasn't perfect but she spoke just like a prefect
To her purse when the rent was due
And when her money was through
She'd wear her red river shoes
And trudge to Mr. Fudge at the bank

Now the record store closed, but everybody knows about
The bar in the basement below the bar
And when Polly was here she would float you a beer
To help retrace the trails of her tears

Mr. Elvis Davis Douglas took Polly to the progress
Of the pretty people pouting on the ritz
Where the piggies mooed bark and the paperboys would shark
About the shamans dressed like Shoguns outta Compton

Polly returned with comedy club burns
As she took turns turning table to the turn
Then the beat box man to Mr. Hearst who drove a Hearse said,
"between you and Polly I can't tell which is worse,
She's killing it tonight, better call all your friends"

Polly didn't make it but she still found an agent
Who booked her as a barista in a band
And when the crowd would yawn
Polly would brew her charm
After her solo everyone gave her a hand

(this was the first thing I wrote on my typewriter and I look forward to writing more fun poems)

I walk in shadows and I speak in dreams
Bless your meadow fireflies from the pockets of
My jeans
Play what you want
Be what you need
Between raindrops

(I wrote this poem while celebrating xmas at my brother's house xmas '22. I had just sent 'Trippy Shoes' to Anna and I posted a xmas song on YouTube
the xmas song was about wishing to connect with my past life family and friends. Watching this video I realize how much I've changed in the last two years from my spiritual experiences, love, and surfacing my soul, (at the time I was in a phase of lowering my voice and not singing the way I want to or did throughout my youth--I was hiding who I was inside).
Anyways, this poem, I wanted to tell Anna, Yoko, everyone that in my soul I am John I wanted to remind them. What is strange is that I felt psychically connected, I felt on and I felt like we were aware at least subconsciously connected, but felt we were aware. What's amazing is that I wrote this poem in the kitchen, and the next morning the Christmas cactus in the kitchen bloomed and I saw it as a sign regarding my soul and our connection. I believe in light and everyone has an energy and a circle of influence, and I believe the energy I put into writing the poem helped the cactus to bloom.

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This is a song I wrote and recorded when I was 19 and I was singing it to Yoko. It was my desire to get back. A lot of the songs then were about my faith in my soul.
This is a song I did in my early 20's. It's about my faith in my soul. It's about love, spirit world, and the karmic connection between.
I wrote this song when I was eighteen, and this recording is from when I was around 19. It's about my faith in my past life and I'm thinking about getting into music again and what that would mean, and how that would work in society at the time--how things have changed but remained the same.
This song is from my mid twenties. I was in a coffee shop in my hometown and there was this girl there and she looked bohemian and from the 60's, dark hair up, dark blouse and short skirt and I was enamored with her and I thought of Yoko. All around in the coffee shop was artwork on the walls--paintings by local artists and prints of classic paintings. On Halloween '22 I posted the lyrics as a poem--in fact, that may have been how the song started, a poem. Anyways, I posted it as a poem and Yoko posted herself as a witch right after and it made me so happy.
This song is my voice, my inner voice, the voice of my soul. This is how I sang as a boy, this is the voice I hear in my head when I write since I was a kid. And this is the voice I've been fighting most all my life to hide. Because my voice is this way I'd always be embarrassed by it, but in my last two albums I've progressively gotten closer and closer back to it. This is me at 19.