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This song is called 'We Need Peace'. I had an emotional moment and wrote it when I read about someone auctioning bullets from December 8th; fortunately the auction was stopped. But, today in America is Sept 11 and looking back today and then we've moved further away from peace here and around the world. And we're at a point now where we need to do something about climate, we need to do something to alleviate hardships of working people by lowering rent and better public infrastructure and public safety, and meanwhile the leaders responsible for this sort of action--most seem committed to culture war and militarism. So, we need peace, we've gone all these years without it, we've gone through a period where our tech has distracted us and we've experienced an era of being introvert and now instead of living in a culture where we're comfortable having things curated and neatly labeled for us--we now have to summon the energy to embrace each other, let down our guard and break bread to communicate our needs and find solutions.
Every year, Pepperdine University creates a memorial on their grand lawn to honor the victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Waves of Flags is a display of flags representing all of the people and countries affected by the event. It’s an impressive and sobering experience.

Today, as I walked through the flags, I thought of Yoko- and the treasure hunt- when I saw the Japanese flag. I took these photos to share here. As we honor those who perished on that fateful day, we can also honor ourselves as we carry on.

Here are the flags from the birthplaces of John, Yoko, … and me! 🇬🇧 🇯🇵 🇺🇸

#NeverForget and always #Imagine there’s no countries.

(Except for our country of Nutopia, of course!)



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Every year, Pepperdine University creates a memorial on their grand lawn to honor the victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Waves of Flags is a display of flags representing all of the people and countries affected by the event. It’s an impressive and sobering experience.

Today, as I walked through the flags, I thought of Yoko- and the treasure hunt- when I saw the Japanese flag. I took these photos to share here. As we honor those who perished on that fateful day, we can also honor ourselves as we carry on.

Here are the flags from the birthplaces of John, Yoko, … and me! 🇬🇧 🇯🇵 🇺🇸

#NeverForget and always #Imagine there’s no countries.

(Except for our country of Nutopia, of course!)

Couldn’t upload the actual photos. This is a small representation.
This is not  my art, i.e. I didn't create it, but I proudly own it 😊 It's a collage by Klaus Voormann, which I bought earlier this year. It's simply called  John and it consists of etchings, an 1960s photo of The Beatles and a facsimile of John's signature. It is hand-signed by Klaus and measures 42 x 32 centimetres.


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This is not  my art, i.e. I didn't create it, but I proudly own it 😊 It's a collage by Klaus Voormann, which I bought earlier this year. It's simply called  John and it consists of etchings, an 1960s photo of The Beatles and a facsimile of John's signature. It is hand-signed by Klaus and measures 42 x 32 centimetres.
That is so beautiful! And there's such a power and love with mixed media because the creative process is tangible, it's there. That's very beautiful, thank you for sharing it.
I wanted to share some of my photography. I really got into it the last year and a half because of Julian. I'd see his photography and I got inspired by it. And what I connected with was the zen of it. Going on a walk and the photo finds you, and I love that, and it's what makes it magic and fun when I go out I keep my eye open for what is around.
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'Sky On The Water Placid' Salmon Creek Washington June 2024

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'The Supremes' This is from Cambridge England and I thought it was the most photogenic place I've ever been and best in monochrome because it combined the present with the history there. June 2023

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'I Walk In Shadows And I Speak In Dreams' Salmon Creek Washington May 2024

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'Self Portrait' Japanese Garden Portland Oregon June 2024

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'Here There And Everywhere' This is one of my best photos, the reflection with the window into the bar was unbelievable, magic. Cambridge England June 2023

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'Let's Dance' Vancouver Washington June 2024

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'Sunburst' Cambridge England June 2023

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'Beetlejuice' Portland Oregon August 2024

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'Love Is Wheel' Vancouver Washington August 2024

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'Connection' Vancouver Washington June 2024
That is so beautiful! And there's such a power and love with mixed media because the creative process is tangible, it's there. That's very beautiful, thank you for sharing it.
Thank you for your lovely comment. I'm very fond of it. I bought it earlier this year from an arts dealer in Bonn, Germany. He's a friend of Klaus Voormann's. Have a good day ✌🏽☮️
I am a writer and I teach people how to write and translate their souls into words.

This September I am going to teach young children how to write postcards: I made two options, one of Abbey Road and other of the Yellow Submarine so they can color.

My idea came after the Ringo's book, Postcards From The Boys. He collected the postcards from George, John and Paul for years before publishing.

If the Beatles loved postcard, it is a good sign that children would love too.

My classes are free and in poor aeras. I believe that that is my art: introduce the Beatles and writing postcards so children will love both forever. Simple but efficient.
You are fantastic, Ivy! I feel very lucky that you found me and shared with me your beautiful story with the wonderful kids that you teach! ❤️ Thank you for doing what you're doing!
It happens in my videos from time to time 🤷‍♂️😅 in the moment my first thought was George
I know the whole show don't tell thing, and I think it's absolutely correct. But, I feel if I don't share how I feel and experience then I'm not living, and saying nothing got me in trouble. IDK, I just got to keep moving forward. 🫡 🫶
💤🎶 🪟🧩🎢🎑🎋 ♥️ 😶‍🌫️😛:coffee:🌊💃🩰🗻🏎️🧛‍♂️🪃🌼🍩🔮🦮🐈🎨🕊️🧙‍♂️🤍🎹🎸☮️
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