Introduce Yourself

Hello, I am a HUGE fan of Yoko and saw her and Sean play at the Crocodile in Seattle probably 25 or 30 years ago. I also love John and the Beatles, Julian too. I am reading Moon Unit Zappa's "Earth to Moon". Please help the people.of Gaza, and make paid family leave for all citizens. If you like, block the Kroger merger. NOGROCERYMERGER.COM/PETITION for the petition. We need more urban reststops for unhoused people, more affordable housing. If you work more than 5 days in a row or 40 hours in a week, you should get overtime even if it's in two separate calendar weeks.
Thank you, Revkah Zappaono
Hello, I am a HUGE fan of Yoko and saw her and Sean play at the Crocodile in Seattle probably 25 or 30 years ago. I also love John and the Beatles, Julian too. I am reading Moon Unit Zappa's "Earth to Moon". Please help the people.of Gaza, and make paid family leave for all citizens. If you like, block the Kroger merger. NOGROCERYMERGER.COM/PETITION for the petition. We need more urban reststops for unhoused people, more affordable housing. If you work more than 5 days in a row or 40 hours in a week, you should get overtime even if it's in two separate calendar weeks.
Thank you, Revkah Zappaono
Yeyyy! Be welcome!
Hello to everyone in Nutopia, I'm Kathy and it's so nice to be here. I'm a fan foremost and content creator for The Beatles Speak - sharing quotes by all four Beatles along with illuminating quotes by those who loved and worked with them. I have a particular love for both John and Paul and their equally artistic partners Yoko and Linda. I'm always thinking about them and look forward to engaging with like-minded fans.

Here is one of my favourite quotes about John from George Harrison from Musician Magazine March 1990:

‘’John, he was a good lad. There’s a part of him that was saintly, that aspired to the truth and to great things. And there’s a part of him that was just, you know, a loony! Like the rest of us. But he was honest; if he was a bastard one day, he’d say, ‘I’m sorry, I was wrong.’ And just deflate any negative feeling you had about him. We’d been close and distant. The fact that he was living in New York meant I never saw him for a long time. The autumn of ‘78 I went up to the Dakota, I think that was the last time. But he’d send postcards – like the Rutles. So when I’m in England, I can still think of John in New York. I never saw him anyway, he could still be there for all I know. You know what I mean? They can kill the man, but they can’t kill the spirit. They can’t kill what he meant to you.”
Hello to everyone in Nutopia, I'm Kathy and it's so nice to be here. I'm a fan foremost and content creator for The Beatles Speak - sharing quotes by all four Beatles along with illuminating quotes by those who loved and worked with them. I have a particular love for both John and Paul and their equally artistic partners Yoko and Linda. I'm always thinking about them and look forward to engaging with like-minded fans.

Here is one of my favourite quotes about John from George Harrison from Musician Magazine March 1990:

‘’John, he was a good lad. There’s a part of him that was saintly, that aspired to the truth and to great things. And there’s a part of him that was just, you know, a loony! Like the rest of us. But he was honest; if he was a bastard one day, he’d say, ‘I’m sorry, I was wrong.’ And just deflate any negative feeling you had about him. We’d been close and distant. The fact that he was living in New York meant I never saw him for a long time. The autumn of ‘78 I went up to the Dakota, I think that was the last time. But he’d send postcards – like the Rutles. So when I’m in England, I can still think of John in New York. I never saw him anyway, he could still be there for all I know. You know what I mean? They can kill the man, but they can’t kill the spirit. They can’t kill what he meant to you.”
Thank you for the quote, Kathy! Be welcome! You are at home.
I shook Sean's hand after one of his first live shows, in Baltimore on the tiniest of stages. And Yoko answered my question years ago when she used to take 5-10 questions a week from fans. Nutopia is the greatest idea since the Bed-In for Peace and Bagism! I love John & Yoko!
I agree: Nutopia is a so brilliant idea 💡
Hello to everyone in Nutopia, I'm Kathy and it's so nice to be here. I'm a fan foremost and content creator for The Beatles Speak - sharing quotes by all four Beatles along with illuminating quotes by those who loved and worked with them. I have a particular love for both John and Paul and their equally artistic partners Yoko and Linda. I'm always thinking about them and look forward to engaging with like-minded fans.

Here is one of my favourite quotes about John from George Harrison from Musician Magazine March 1990:

‘’John, he was a good lad. There’s a part of him that was saintly, that aspired to the truth and to great things. And there’s a part of him that was just, you know, a loony! Like the rest of us. But he was honest; if he was a bastard one day, he’d say, ‘I’m sorry, I was wrong.’ And just deflate any negative feeling you had about him. We’d been close and distant. The fact that he was living in New York meant I never saw him for a long time. The autumn of ‘78 I went up to the Dakota, I think that was the last time. But he’d send postcards – like the Rutles. So when I’m in England, I can still think of John in New York. I never saw him anyway, he could still be there for all I know. You know what I mean? They can kill the man, but they can’t kill the spirit. They can’t kill what he meant to you.”
It's a beautiful quote. Thanks for sharing.
My name is Jesse. Born 9/11/1998. I'm an energy healer who works with my spirit guide. A psychic told me I was John Lennon in a past life three years ago. I'm a rare type of spirit. Source spirit. There's about 200 in body on earth. I have gold in my aura which is proof. So did John Lennon.

I'm passionate about making music (farthest out of reach financially), PC gaming and watching anime. I'm a huge fan of Mac miller.

I'm homeless (I don't really identify with anything, I'm just being myself). It gets freezing cold in a month or two. I have to sleep outside.

Much love <3
Hi, everybody. I’m Lynn. I’ve been a Beatles fan for almost fifty years now, a John fan for almost as long, and a Yoko fan since 1980. I was lucky enough to meet Yoko in 1986. Sadly, I didn’t get a chance to meet John.

I work in healthcare on the East Coast of the US. I also write. I’ve written a lot about the Beatles, both fact and fiction. They’re a great inspiration.

I hope there will be more John boxed sets and maybe even some Yoko boxed sets!! That would be so awesome. Sean, if you’re out there listening, I will buy them!
Hi, everybody. I’m Lynn. I’ve been a Beatles fan for almost fifty years now, a John fan for almost as long, and a Yoko fan since 1980. I was lucky enough to meet Yoko in 1986. Sadly, I didn’t get a chance to meet John.

I work in healthcare on the East Coast of the US. I also write. I’ve written a lot about the Beatles, both fact and fiction. They’re a great inspiration.

I hope there will be more John boxed sets and maybe even some Yoko boxed sets!! That would be so awesome. Sean, if you’re out there listening, I will buy them!
You work taking care of people, what a beautiful thing to do. Welcome, Lynn!