Introduce Yourself

Hi, my name is Duke. And I think this is so cool, since Nutopia was launched I was hoping there would be a social media component and I'm very excited to see it this forum! Since I was a boy I believed I was John in my past life, it's my nature the way I write, sing, think and things I've experienced along the way--regardless of what you may think of that--My hope to meet people, see what they love and share what I love, and I hope to be a friend and of service for the good we all believe in. I play piano, guitar, bass, (some drums), I write mostly on typewriter, and I hope to keep exploring my nature and grow with it, and I hope what I do brings enjoyment in your world. If you'd like to listen to my work just search for 'Duke Elliott' wherever you stream.
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Hello my name is Jeremy. I'm currently on a leave of absence from my PhD work in religious studies (dissertation stage) because I have lost interest in my subject matter (for the most part).

Now I explore reality, building my own spirituality from the ground up (not really- I find inspiration from some schools of Buddhist thought), and enjoy life as a teacher, partner, dad, wanderer.
Hello my name is Jeremy. I'm currently on a leave of absence from my PhD work in religious studies (dissertation stage) because I have lost interest in my subject matter (for the most part).

Now I explore reality, building my own spirituality from the ground up (not really- I find inspiration from some schools of Buddhist thought), and enjoy life as a teacher, partner, dad, wanderer.
Be welcome, Jeremy!
I'm Damien, I love 20 ounce disposable cups made of styrofoam. I love visiting museum cafeterias. I love Lucy, specifically, my ex-girlfriend Lucy (I rented that movie you like, call me!).
My name Is Ralph & i am a 1st generation Beatles fan
after all these years i still believe the only thing that can conquer hate is love
and i received this message back in 1964 when John & the boys first came to America
Hello all, I am an artist, researcher, educator and mother. All my life I wonder why the world dont give peace a chance. So here I am, to see if this community is willing to work from tours PEACE.
Hello, Lennono gang. 💚

My name is Carlen, and I'm an autistic 23-year-old John fanboy from Canada. I have many mental health problems, but I have to thank John and Yoko for being a constant reminder to keep going and bask in love, no matter how hard it can get.

I've been a huge fan of John since I was 8 years old. Being here is an absolute honour.
Hi fellow John Lennon fans! My name is Aidan. I'm 20 years old and I'm a Junior in College. I'm going into the Christian Ministry, hoping to serve my God's people. I know we, the Church, have a lot of issues, we are not perfect. But Jesus wants us to be "a city on a hilltop, a shining light to all the nations." I'm excited to see how He'll use this platform to bring His Kingdom! W Jesus!
Hello, John and Yoko nation. 💌 My name is Ingryd, better known as Di. I am Brazilian, autistic and passionate. I'm in my last semester of college studying history and I really hope to be able to work as a historian and researcher about the Beatles, especially my biggest inspiration: John Lennon. I hope this forum becomes a safe place for all of us. Peace and love. 😊
Omg hi Di!