Introduce Yourself


I won't reveal my true name, but you can all call me Venus. I'm a huge fan of John and Yoko, they're both a huge inspiration to me. I'm a fine art student and consistently look to J&Y for motivation and inspiration. They give me the bravery to make conceptual and performance pieces I wouldn't do otherwise. A professor of mine once compared my work to Yoko's and to this day its the greatest compliment I've received about my work. I have a tattoo on my arm of the little kitty John drew in my profile picture.

I'm so happy to be in a forum with other John and Yoko fans, it feels so controversial to admit you admire them online due to some of their past actions. I have the tattoo now, so I suppose I've commit myself to a lifetime of arguments on the subject haha.

Either way, I hope you're all having a good day/night wherever you are on this planet. Stay hopeful, radiate goodness.


I won't reveal my true name, but you can all call me Venus. I'm a huge fan of John and Yoko, they're both a huge inspiration to me. I'm a fine art student and consistently look to J&Y for motivation and inspiration. They give me the bravery to make conceptual and performance pieces I wouldn't do otherwise. A professor of mine once compared my work to Yoko's and to this day its the greatest compliment I've received about my work. I have a tattoo on my arm of the little kitty John drew in my profile picture.

I'm so happy to be in a forum with other John and Yoko fans, it feels so controversial to admit you admire them online due to some of their past actions. I have the tattoo now, so I suppose I've commit myself to a lifetime of arguments on the subject haha.

Either way, I hope you're all having a good day/night wherever you are on this planet. Stay hopeful, radiate goodness.

Happy to know that they give you so much inspiration! Be welcome, Venus.
Hello I’m Gabriel . So glad to be part of this forum. After being at Ce ✌️ ✌️ntral Park NY last year on John Lennon’s birthday, next month I’ll be traveling to Liverpool . So , if anyone have a Beatles tour suggestion, I’ll appreciate it. Peace and Love my friends .
Make sure you go to the Beatles museum, an absolute essential! I live fairly near Liverpool (I'm from a place that John mentioned in a song once!) and I will say I've always found it to be a really lovely place, there's proper Beatles tours that you can find easily on your visit or booking before but you can also walk around Liverpool and just feel the vibes that created the greatest band in the world ✌️
Make sure you go to the Beatles museum, an absolute essential! I live fairly near Liverpool (I'm from a place that John mentioned in a song once!) and I will say I've always found it to be a really lovely place, there's proper Beatles tours that you can find easily on your visit or booking before but you can also walk around Liverpool and just feel the vibes that created the greatest band in the world ✌️
Will do . I appreciate your suggestion.

I won't reveal my true name, but you can all call me Venus. I'm a huge fan of John and Yoko, they're both a huge inspiration to me. I'm a fine art student and consistently look to J&Y for motivation and inspiration. They give me the bravery to make conceptual and performance pieces I wouldn't do otherwise. A professor of mine once compared my work to Yoko's and to this day its the greatest compliment I've received about my work. I have a tattoo on my arm of the little kitty John drew in my profile picture.

I'm so happy to be in a forum with other John and Yoko fans, it feels so controversial to admit you admire them online due to some of their past actions. I have the tattoo now, so I suppose I've commit myself to a lifetime of arguments on the subject haha.

Either way, I hope you're all having a good day/night wherever you are on this planet. Stay hopeful, radiate goodness.

Love this so much, a John drawing is always a fantastic choice for a tattoo! I love Yoko's artwork - we have a thread to appreciate her work here. Great to see you join the forum!

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Hello, my name is Julia and I come from Poland. I am nearly 25 years old and John Lennon has been my greatest inspiration for half of my lifetime. I am particularly inspired by John and Yoko's beautiful love story and by their message of peace and love. I love John's noncoformism, sense of humor and many more. My greatest passion is to find out more about John every day and to explore places which are connected to him. Peace and love, borthers and sisters. ✌️