Introduce Yourself

Hey, y’all! 👋

I’m Renee. Music, creativity, and learning are my passions. Although I’m a lifelong fan of the Beatles, John & Yoko, there is so much about them that I don’t know. I’m here to learn! My apologies in advance for all the questions.

And the beach. I love the beach. 🥰

Thank you for offering a different space to explore. 🫶 Twitter can be a bit dicey these days!

First questions: What are posts called? Nuts? Would sharing a post be a ReNut? We are Nutopians, yes, but are we also Nutters? Of course, all of this is pronounced NOOT so please reread what I’ve just written.


You made me laugh Renee 😂 And it’s whatever you’d like it to be! Welcome! 🤍
Hello, everybody! My name is Mariana, I'm a fan, writer and researcher of John's life and legacy. I'm one of the Beatles scholars in Brazil, it's a beautiful and passionate community. I have big dreams and all of them involve John, he inspires me everyday. I hope to, one day, be able to reciprocate every good thing that he brings to me. I'm very happy to be here! Let's all keep thinking peace, imagining peace, being peace ✌🏻🤍
Hi Mariana, hope you’re well, xx
Hi, I’m Simon from Jersey 🇯🇪 . I’ve been a Beatles fan since spring 1980 when I saw Paul’s ‘Coming Up’ on tv 📺 . So, here I am 44 years later!
I’m BeatleSimon on both X, Bluesky and now here!
My profile picture is from my trip to Abbey Road in September 2022.
Have a great day everyone!
Hello, Simon. :)
hello, world! as you can see my name is Nikita. i'm a pianist, so if you have a piano and want to listen to the music by J.S. Bach, Beethoven, Chopin, Schumann, Liszt, Haydn, P. Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninoff, Scriabin, Gabriel Popoff, Erwin Schulhoff, Boris Goltz, Georgy Rimsky-Korsakoff and many other great composers i can play it for you. when i don't play the piano i usually drink Chinese tea, read books, write poems in Russian, study Japanese, watch anime, films and play chess (
hello, world! as you can see my name is Nikita. i'm a pianist, so if you have a piano and want to listen to the music by J.S. Bach, Beethoven, Chopin, Schumann, Liszt, Haydn, P. Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninoff, Scriabin, Gabriel Popoff, Erwin Schulhoff, Boris Goltz, Georgy Rimsky-Korsakoff and many other great composers i can play it for you. when i don't play the piano i usually drink Chinese tea, read books, write poems in Russian, study Japanese, watch anime, films and play chess (
Very smart, Nikita! Please to meet you. 🫰
Hello Beatle people!
My name is Mari Morosetti. I'm a Brazilian content creator on YouTube and owner of TheBeatleBR. I'm excited about this forum to improve my English and meet new people around the globe 🤍
Hi, Mari! It's wonderful to have you here. Agora que a Beatle chegou está ainda mais com cheirinho de casa brasileira aqui em Nutopia! 🤍
How amazing it is to have each and every one of you guys here! Sadly, as there wonderfully are over 300 messages here of over 300 Nutopians, I won't be able to say hi to each one of you guys individually, but do know I'm extremely happy and excited to see all of you! Beatles and John&Yoko are about love and peace, and this is what we are here for 🤍 🏳️
Hi, I’m Simon from Jersey 🇯🇪 . I’ve been a Beatles fan since spring 1980 when I saw Paul’s ‘Coming Up’ on tv 📺 . So, here I am 44 years later!
I’m BeatleSimon on both X, Bluesky and now here!
My profile picture is from my trip to Abbey Road in September 2022.
Have a great day everyone!
Hey fellow Jersey friend!! Welcome 😎
o Brasil ta chegando pra dominar tudo 🥳 🤍
Só vamoooo ✌🏻🤍
the beatles dance GIF