Hi. I'm Jethro del Cielo.
I'm from Sweden, and I am recently turned 35. Here's what I look like, although I got longer hair now. I've been playing music for two, maybe two and a half years. Before that, I've been making do as far as music was concerned, just as a listener, not playing.
I've gotten retired early due to medical reasons at 30, due to psychiatric causes. Depression and anxiety made my life almost impossible to live in. When I began playing music myself, around 2021, I was really, really broken. I had to try to find reasons to live that wasn't about me, for those reasons weren't enough. It had to be for someone else it would matter. So I sat down and began recording myself trying to talk about mental illness from the very real perspective of someone who has been through life living with a mind that was broken. I began talking about mental illness from my own point of view, intending for the information to be of help to others who are dealing with mental illness as well as their loved ones. At this point, I began realizing how much I needed to try to find the right words, for you see, out there, there's no one who quite has, yet. The words and the way we talk about mental illness worldwide is almost predicated (or so, at least, it seems to me) on the fact that we as a whole have not got a way to talk about it that doesn't make us victims of our diagnosis.
I'm still actively pursuing that goal. To find the right words. As a means of getting heard, I am also actively engaged in almost all creative aspects. Storytelling both as a narrator and an author, poetry as a writer and narrator (person reading poetry aloud, I don't think it's actually called narrator when it regards poetry, but the word will have to suffice), music as a composer, lyricist and artist. My songwriting skills are pretty good, but I lack experience and ability to record, as you pointed out, in a proper studio setting. I've barely played with any other people, since for the most part, I simply don't have anyone to play with in my life.
This thread is a means of trying to reach out to people who might be interested in, for whatever reason, these pursuits.
You can find my music and social media via the link below:
Check out all of my important links
There's also an image of myself, so that you know how I look like.
As always, thank you for listening.