Introduce Yourself

Hi Everyone, my name is Adrien, from Indonesia, my family listened to the Beatles everyday, me and my daughter cover the Beatles' song almost everyday.
😂 our theme song is There's a place .

Best regards

Hi Adrien. Welcome! That's wonderful that you have a theme song together. 😃
Hello Citizens of Nutopia. My name is Willow and I am one of the many aspiring musicians dedicated to preserving John’s legacy. He changed my life in many ways, and in that, I am indebted to him. He enlightened me, sharing his void world, a world of peace and understanding. I am unbelievably grateful for this page, and I hope to live in Nutopia as John has.
ellooo! I don't know how to use this correctly, but I'm trying. Well, my name is Pietra, I'm brazilian and i’m a teenager! I've loved the Beatles since I was little, and I think that's it hahaha
Hello everyone!! 🤍✌️
hellooo!! my name is pietra, I’m 13 and i’m brazilian! I love The Beatles since I was little, I grew up with them, so, they became a part of my life! I don’t know how to use this properly, but I’m trying my best! nice to meet you all! john is one of my life heroes, so I’m glad to be here!
peace and love!!! ✌️🤍
Hello Hello, guys! 🤩 My name is Angie, short for Angela! Currently in high school and I would love to meet fellow John Lennon fans, as he's the inspiration for me to live the life I wanted and he helped me embrace my weird and eccentric side lmao! I'm happy to meet you all and I'm really glad to be part of this forum! Peace and love!! 🥰
hello peoples of the beatles fans and john lennons fans! here to meet new people and discuss music and related stuff! I collect records and some CDs. Also going through artists discography, so far completed The Beatles, Pink Floyd and working on Led Zepplin, David Bowie and The Rolling Stones! also got the chance to see ringo in tour so that was pretty cool!
Hi Nutopia! I'm Roger from Rio, but for now I'm doing music production at Bahia state. Beatles make me be who am I and John gave me the political view to believe we can all live in peace.

Love. It's a pleasure to be part of this.
Oi, amigo do Rio. Sou de São Paulo! Seja bem-vindo. 💚💛
Hello Citizens of Nutopia. My name is Willow and I am one of the many aspiring musicians dedicated to preserving John’s legacy. He changed my life in many ways, and in that, I am indebted to him. He enlightened me, sharing his void world, a world of peace and understanding. I am unbelievably grateful for this page, and I hope to live in Nutopia as John has.
Hello, Willow. Wishing you all the best in your career. ❤️
Hello Hello, guys! 🤩 My name is Angie, short for Angela! Currently in high school and I would love to meet fellow John Lennon fans, as he's the inspiration for me to live the life I wanted and he helped me embrace my weird and eccentric side lmao! I'm happy to meet you all and I'm really glad to be part of this forum! Peace and love!! 🥰
A young fan, that's cute!!!!!! Be welcome.
hello peoples of the beatles fans and john lennons fans! here to meet new people and discuss music and related stuff! I collect records and some CDs. Also going through artists discography, so far completed The Beatles, Pink Floyd and working on Led Zepplin, David Bowie and The Rolling Stones! also got the chance to see ringo in tour so that was pretty cool!
Hello. ❤️
Hi everyone, I’m Stefanie and I’ve been a Beatles fan since 1995 when my mom begged me to watch the Beatles Anthology with her. I have loved them since. I used to have a Beatles website called Beatle Me This, Beatle Me That. I live in Orange, CA.
I love stories where fans become fans because the family. Nice to meet you. ❤️