🍉 SEAN ONO LENNON - AMA - ASK ME ANYTHING - Here - on Thursday 19 September - Midday ET / 9am PT / 5pm UK / 1am Tokyo

Hello Sean! Great to see you around. I'd like to ask the following questions:
1. When remixing and hearing these 51 year old tapes of your dad for the Mind Games box, were there any recordings and/or details that stood out to you that you hadn't heard/noticed before?
2. Are there any plans to collaborate musically with James McCartney again, or was Primrose Hill just a one-off?

1) My dad is always joking around between takes. It's nice to hear how much fun they were always having.

2) James and I don't make plans but it was fun writing Primrose Hill.
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Would there be any chance for you to help me with producing/making music?? I'd love to work with you!! I'm also an aspiring artist that would like to reach my dreams someday. I REALLY REALLY LOVE YOUR WORK SINCE I WAS A KID, hope you'd appreciate the support!

P.S. - I'd love to show you some of my works, most are unfinished. I'd really love help and guidance, that's what I need.
Hello Sean, the mind games ultimate collection is amazing!!! you’re doing such an excellent work and your mom must be proud of the incredible professional you are. thank you, estate and family ono lennon 🤍

My question is what do you think of the new generation of john and yoko fans? further spreading john lennon's legacy?
I'm very grateful to them! They are the ones who will keep the legacy alive into the next gen.
With the success of the Beatles song Now and Then, would there be any consideration of going through your dad‘s unreleased songs and finishing them off for him using the technology that was used to save Now and Then. There’s a number of them floating around on YouTube that would be great if they were finished off properly.
I am always open to all possibilities.
I live near a place in Ireland called Crossmaglen. I only realised recently that it's what the English thought the Irish were saying when they said 'Crois Mhic Lionnáin' which really translates in English to 'Lennon's Cross' !
Lionnáin also means Blackbird in Irish, do you know any songs about that?
I read it can also mean descendant of Lover (leannán) - how cool is that. Speaking of Paul, is there any consensus as to if the appearance of the Höfner bass guitar was JL sending a message through time and space :) I mean some kind of Interstellar-esque scenario :)
It must be very gratifying to see your mom finally being recognized for how great her own music has always been, and how right your dad was in championing her work at a time when few ever stood up for women in rock (or the world in general, for that matter). Not sure what my question is exactly, but has she seen her own esteem rise over the years? She doesn't particularly seem like she ever needed the acclaim (much too cool for that), but it's definitely there and growing all the time!
Btw, I wanted to thank you so much for everything that you have been doing for the fans and also tell you (what you surely already know) that you have a wonderful team with you. You and your team have been taking care of us in the most beautiful way possible and I genuinely appreciate each and every one of you so much! You have been making my year happier and worthy! I don't really like talking for John, but about this I'm quite sure he'd be happy to know that you guys and the fans are in this together ❤
Well you have been very helpful so thank you. Many of the 'influencers' here have done a great job promoting and keeping awareness. Grateful for that. But the hard part I'd say is that we are competing with so many distractions online, and new artists and things happening constantly. Getting people's attention for catalogue work can be a challenge. Especially younger and newer fans. But the challenge is what makes it fun. If it were easy, it'd be boring work I think.

But this message board is part of it. We want to create a family of fans who can help keep the music and message out there in the world for future generations to enjoy.
Thank you very much!! 🤍 For sure it’s tough to break through, but the dedicated fans are just as passionate as you and I, so I know they’ll help spread the word. Getting everyone’s attention for Mind Games with the forum, different remix’s, etc. was a perfect plan and I think all of you are executing it very well! Now I’m excited to see what’s in store for future album remasters…👀
My dad didn't take photos as much as Paul did. I wish he had.
Does anyone else get these like life lessons from JL, like my first thought was yeah preserve more memories of your own life and the lives of your loved ones, like don't worry about what you look like in photos just take them :)