📚 My Mind Can Feel - The John & Yoko Book Club

Elegí este nombre -My Mind Can Feel- porque quería algo relacionado con John y Yoko, no una referencia solo a uno de ellos. Esta frase proviene de una canción que escribieron juntos: Oh My Love, escrita por la pareja en 1968 y grabada más tarde para el álbum Imagine. John Lennon dijo: "Fue un placer escribirla, cantarla y grabarla. La escribimos con Yoko, basada en su letra original, la terminamos muy rápido una noche juntos, el comienzo de la melodía comenzó el año pasado [...] En esta canción , se puede escuchar la influencia clásica de Yoko que me ha influenciado Y esta es 80% su letra y 50% su melodía". - Del libro Imagine de Lenono Estate, 2018.

Y hay una especie de sinestesia en esto. Normalmente asociamos los sentimientos y las emociones con las imágenes de nuestro corazón; En ese verso, tanto John como Yoko aportan una perspectiva intelectual al sentimiento, así como una imagen sentimental a la mente, lo que creo que tiene mucho sentido con lo que haremos aquí en el Club de lectura. Mientras leemos y comentamos los libros de John y Yoko, nuestras mentes se sentirán.

Además, como estamos en la era de los juegos mentales, no hay nada mejor que ejercitar la mente y tener un título relacionado con la mente.✌🏻🤍
Llego un poco tarde otra vez pero me encantaría ser parte de este club de lectura, he leído cada perspectiva tuya sobre estos maravillosos libros y estoy aún más emocionada de leer uno de estos libros y dar mis propias opiniones al respecto, espero con ansias mis copias de los libros llenos de historias y desarrollos sobre la vida de John y Yoko, ciertamente estoy muy emocionada de leerlos para llenar mi mente de fragmentos históricos sobre la vida Conocer a John y Yoko a fondo, apreciar y maravillarme de las perspectivas de John, su forma de ver el mundo, su humanismo, su filosofía de valores y tantas buenas relaciones con personas que lo apoyaron en sus esfuerzos en la vida, y me maravillo de cómo las personas cercanas a él lo describen de una manera tan realista como si hubieran vivido con él ahora, describen cada una de sus cualidades, perspectivas filosóficas, su gran conexión con Yoko, como tantos sentimientos Su genio los plasmó en maravillosas obras artísticas y cómo lo recuerdan con tanto amor y cariño por lo que fue y siempre será, John fue un humano único y muy especial en tantas cosas que nos regaló con sus obras, mensajes, sin duda un recorrido de reflexión y filosofía que nos ha servido y hemos visto por muchos años.Really, what I have read in some forums with information about John, fills me with a feeling of much more than respect and admiration, something much stronger that I have not yet been able to describe with simple words, something very profound within my soul and heart,
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My Yoko Ono biography is scheduled to be discussed here, from February 1st to March 18th, here are the links where the book can be ordered. I look forward to hearing your thoughts / impressions!
Special thanks to Marianna and Ingryd!

Madeline x

In Your Mind - The Infinite Universe of Yoko Ono
The ultimate guide to Ono’s life and work.
The true story of the woman John Lennon loved.

Highly acclaimed by Yoko's friends and colleagues.
Now in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Library
Honorable Mention on The Beatles Gift Guide


On AMAZON worldwide AND…



Web site:

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Hi, everybody! How’s everyone feeling? 🤍

For the past weeks, I took some time off to reorganize the Book Club's dynamic. As I want this to be a fun, light, interactive and enjoyable activity, instead of having predetermined dates to end the discussions about specific books, I’m only organizing dates to start them and after that we'll unlimited conversations about the books, moving on to the next books when we feel like it’s time. I'll be here coordinating that, but feel free to share with us everything would like about the books.

For the next weeks, we'll discussing about Lennonology by Chip Mandiger and Scott Raile and In Your Mind by Madeline Bocaro in celebration of Yoko's 92 birthday coming soon. During the weeks I'll bring some thought provoking questions for us to deepen our discussions. The authors are going to be here with us and soon we'll have Q&As with them about their works.

I also may bring curiosities about the last books we talked about here because there’s so much I’d like to talk about them but didn’t have the time to (work life sometimes gets too much in the way, unfortunately).

I can tell you guys that all the authors that I'm in contact with for the next books are all very excited to be a part of this and we’ll frequently have the amazing opportunity of talking with people who knew John&Yoko personally and people that dedicate their lives to study about them here. So let’s all get together to make this community stronger everyday. Let’s make the most of it, celebrating J&Y's legacy!

One thing that I have always loved about Lennonology even before I started reading it is the fact that the authors corrected one of the most important dates in John&Yoko's story, the day they recorded Two Virgins. I've always noticed some divergences in that story's date, specifically while reading Cynthia's recollection of all the events surrounding everything, but could never point out exactly what it was. And with the help of Jennie Boyd's passport, Chip and Scott figured it all out. Do you guys know the actual and accurate date of when that happened?
Thanks to Mariana for scheduling my Yoko biography for discussion here this month. I am honored to share this space with the wonderful Lennonology - a great reference book by Chip Madinger and Scott Raile who did an amazingly detailed and accurate job of chronicling the lives of John and Yoko!

I will be happy to answer questions about Yoko; her ancestry, art, events, music, films, activism, philosophy - and the deep love story of John and Yoko. I welcome any questions about how my book came to be, and about my writing process.

Excerpts will be posted over the coming weeks. I welcome your feedback.

I have spent lots of precious time with Yoko, and it’s important that I share her true story. That’s why I wrote this 560-page biography. No other book has covered her amazing life in extensive detail.

Looking forward to speaking with everyone!

All the best,
Madeline Bocaro, author

In Your Mind - The Infinite Universe of Yoko Ono

Available on Amazon worldwide

Signed hard cover books exclusively available at:




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Thanks to Mariana for scheduling my Yoko biography for discussion here this month. I am honored to share this space with the wonderful Lennonology - a great reference book by Chip Madinger and Scott Raile who did an amazingly detailed and accurate job of chronicling the lives of John and Yoko!

I will be happy to answer questions about Yoko; her ancestry, art, events, music, films, activism, philosophy - and the deep love story of John and Yoko. I welcome any questions about how my book came to be, and about my writing process.

Excerpts will be posted over the coming weeks. I welcome your feedback.

I have spent lots of precious time with Yoko, and it’s important that I share her true story. That’s why I wrote this 560-page biography. No other book has covered her amazing life in extensive detail.

Looking forward to speaking with everyone!

All the best,
Madeline Bocaro, author

In Your Mind - The Infinite Universe of Yoko Ono

Available on Amazon worldwide

Signed hard cover books exclusively available at:


Thank you so much for being here with us, Madeline! 🤍 I’m reading your book, haven’t finished it just yet, but I can share here that it’s a light and dynamic read, as well as provocative and as mindful as Yoko is. I’m very glad we’ll be celebrating her 92nd birthday like this, thinking peace and remembering love!
As we are discussing my book this month, I will post some excerpts.
Attached is part one...

In Your Mind - The Infinite Universe of Yoko Ono
The true story of the woman John Lennon loved.
The ultimate guide to Ono’s life and work.

Highly acclaimed by Yoko’s friends and colleagues.
Now in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Library
Honorable Mention on The Beatles Gift Guide


On Amazon worldwide

and BookBaby…

SIGNED HARD COVER BOOKS exclusively available here.

Web site:

Follow on social media.


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at the NYC Armory in the Listening Room.

There will be 2 days of YOKO ONO SYMPOSIUMS and tribute concerts on Saturday & Sunday, Feb. 14th & 15th, which I will be attending.

And you can make a wish on Yoko's Wish Trees!!

Hope to meet some of you there!


Madeline Bocaro, author
In Your Mind - The Infinite Universe of Yoko Ono


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Wonderful! Thank you for sharing, Madeline!

For how many years have you been writing and researching about Yoko?
Thanks for the question Mariana!

My book is a collection of short stories I had written since the 1970s, to explain Yoko’s work to friends and fans. Realizing that I had enough material for a book, it too three years just to arrange it. I mostly enjoy books written by fans, rather than complex intellectualizations by analytical critics, professors or historians. My style is straightforward—unveiling all aspects of her personality. You can read each short chapter alone, or skip around without losing the plot. Readers find it uplifting. They are reading their favorite chapters again each night before bedtime. Some say it’s like reading Yoko’s book Grapefruit over a long period.

I have included details and insights, which could only come from a lifetime of growing up loving and understanding Yoko..

There are numerous quotes from, and about Yoko throughout the book, from media sources in my archive, all of which are cited. I can recall when Yoko had spoken about certain topics, and grabbed her quotes from various media, which I have collected for decades: obscure and popular print, news and audio interviews and her social media. I included Yoko’s own voice because she is always eloquent, poignant, observant and at times very funny. Most journalists did not allow Yoko to speak much about herself. They mostly asked her questions about John or the Beatles. Her life story is completely fascinating!

Madeline Bocaro, author
In Your Mind - The Infinite Universe of Yoko Ono

I will be signing books at the 2025 Fest for Beatles Fans – March 28, 29 & 30
at the Hyatt Regency hotel in NJ!

Visit my author’s table (In Your Mind - The Infinite Universe of Yoko Ono).
Come and see my panel discussions and interviews. There will be lots more festive events.
I will also participate in Deco’s panel about Fluxus.

Look forward to seeing all my old friends there, and some new ones!
Tickets: https://www.thefest.com/2025-fests/buy-tickets/

Madeline Bocaro


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