🧩 Mind Games - Word Puzzle on the Citizen Of Nutopia Identity Card

Some great clues here! Feeling more confident about where I'm going with the solution

None of them. The letters in the highlighted boxes are the only letters on the grid that are not part of a word.
Before you gave this clue, I had multiple ways to solve the puzzle -- but was always missing a different one word in each of those solutions. Now with this clue, combined with your other clues so far (which some matched my previous solutions), I'm only finding one way to solve the puzzle -- and that now makes two words missing from it (a medium and a small word.) I could fit the small word, but it also would need to share a letter with the medium word, and there aren't enough spaces. Also, I see no use for the open space 3-up from the bottom right corner given your previous clues.

This is to say, for me at least, all of these clues have ended up putting me farther behind overall, and painted more into an unsolvable corner than I previously was. Those highlighted boxes that we virtually can't use now for whatever random reason, besides being forced to fill them with overall unhelpful letters either way, turns a puzzle I could have had finished weeks ago into a frustrating, anxiety-filled, not fun compulsion. :(
Before you gave this clue, I had multiple ways to solve the puzzle -- but was always missing a different one word in each of those solutions. Now with this clue, combined with your other clues so far (which some matched my previous solutions), I'm only finding one way to solve the puzzle -- and that now makes two words missing from it (a medium and a small word.) I could fit the small word, but it also would need to share a letter with the medium word, and there aren't enough spaces. Also, I see no use for the open space 3-up from the bottom right corner given your previous clues.

This is to say, for me at least, all of these clues have ended up putting me farther behind overall, and painted more into an unsolvable corner than I previously was. Those highlighted boxes that we virtually can't use now for whatever random reason, besides being forced to fill them with overall unhelpful letters either way, turns a puzzle I could have had finished weeks ago into a frustrating, anxiety-filled, not fun compulsion. :(
I'm sorry you feel that way :( I'm sure the admins will help you. This is supposed to be fun, yes. 🫂
wondering why as an example there is 1 "J" and it is not used in any of the words. Why put it there ?
There are a few more unused letters but used these as an example.