Share Your SMILE :)

This is the thread where we post our smiles, everyday, any day, some days, whenever you like--just smile and share it with everyone. Also, if you want, share what you're grateful for that particular moment or day :)😊:D
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Today I'm grateful for being where I am and doing what I love. Sometimes I forget how fortunate I am to be where I am and when I connect with that feeling it makes me happy.
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What am I grateful for... Well, I used to be scared of the unknown know it annoys me a bit because I want to think my way through it but I learn to accept the unknown. And with that I am grateful for time. There's a time for everything as long as you make time for it. I keep saying it lately that I want to get busier, but I just got to make time for it and the cool thing is that when you commit energy like that eventually things come together and work out in their own weird way. Whoever reads this, I hope you have a great day today and please make time for what matters to you. ✌️🤍🎹🎸