🪶 Feathers. 🕊

I want to post about my experiences with a white bird at a nearby park. I'll start with the most recent and work my way back.
On July 12, the day Mind Games was released I came to the park and off in the distance I spotted a white bird, as I said I've had karmic moments with this white bird at this park and on this particular day it was something special. It was perched in the middle of a lake and I was photographing it when it suddenly started to fly as I was photographing.
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It was flying around and around in circles. I was listening to Mind Games as this was happening. The way it flew was majestic and like it was trying to get my attention. Like I've said I have had unique karmic moments with white birds and this was special so I filmed it.

Around and around the bird flew, then, from all that distance it flew to me and then directly over me. When I have moments like this, when I find white feathers, when I experience miracles, when I have spiritual dreams and visions--it's all a sign from my soul, my higher self. This happened the day Mind Games was released while I was listening to Mind Games.

This experience with the white bird happened on December 12, 2023. I was walking in the park and saw the bird way off in the distance. The bird then walked across the pond directly to me.
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I started walking on the path and this bird walked with me, ten to fifteen yards away. I walked slowly and it walked slowly with me in tandem. Then it walked behind some vegetation and so I kept walking down the path--but then I walked around the bend and it flew to me. The bird and I recreated a spiritual dream I had with my soul, my higher self--John. I've had three dreams with him each were extremely profound and spiritually intense dreams I ever had. This dream was my third dream from sometime in Spring of '23. In the dream I was in an industrial factory it was dark, scary, polluted. I was looking for Julian. I turned a corner and suddenly I was at a pond. It was beautiful daytime like something out of a Monet painting. Floating in the middle of the pond was a bed. In the bed was a man in blue denim and he was in bed resting with two women in kimonos, a blonde and a brunette. He got out of the bed and began walking on water. I recognized him. In my mind I pointed at him and said, 'it's John'. He then stopped walking and turned to me with a smile--he pointed back and with his mind he said 'it's you'. He then walked to me. We were like the same distance apart as me and the bird from this day. And suddenly, hard to explain, our faces projected away from our bodies. Our faces met in the middle over the pond between us. Our faces were aligning, eyes over eyes, nose, mouth, chin. We were aligning our faces. Each dream I've had with John was like meeting my soul, meeting my higher self, and in each dream we align our faces in a different way. So as we're projecting our faces to each other, we are aligning them and as we are doing this, we are giggling, smiling, we think this is fun and natural. When our faces aligned completely I heard a voice within, the voice said something like, "Don't worry, you are exactly where you ought to be".


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This is from December 19, 2023. Although it isn't a white bird, it is significant. The day before I released this album of my songs from 19 to my mid twenties. At the moment I think I was working to release it other streaming platforms and I was getting ready to go to NYC on a spiritual pilgrimage for xmas which I have posted in this thread. Anyways, this is the biggest bird I ever seen in my back yard and when I took pictures of it, it walked to me just a few feet of distance and walked away. I knew at that moment that it was a sign that I was on the right path, and I told my mom who was watching and shocked that it walked to me that I have a thing with birds.
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The album I was releasing at the time was a best of my earliest recordings from when I was 19 through my early/mid 20's. A lot of those songs are about my faith in my soul and nature that I'm John.
This is from October 15, 2023. I saw the white bird and we look on each other for a while and then it flew away majestically. I remember earlier that day I was about to pick up a white feather, but my intuition told me not to pick it up and that I would find something greater and I did.
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I think it was November, but around that time I was walking the trail and I was thinking on composing a love letter to Anna, explaining how I feel and how we're karmically connected. I was unsure if I was going to send the letter, and it was in that moment of thinking and composing the letter in my mind, that I saw the white bird from across a field. It was way far away. And it flew to me a great distance. It flew directly in front of me and banked off to the right behind some trees. I was mesmerized and saw it as a sign to send her the letter. I was so in the moment spellbound by the bird that I didn't take any pictures, and I wish I did, but it was still an incredible moment I won't forget.

On June 3rd 2023, I was in London, and I found this pond in Kensington Gardens. It struck me deeply and emotionally. It reminded me of my 2nd dream when I met my soul/higher-self, John. In that dream there was a circular pond and I couldn't help but think of it when I was there. On the way there, I ran into a hollowed out tree with carvings of wee little people and I had a reaction to it, I passed a park created in the style of Neverland from Peter Pan--Peter Pan has played a role in my spiritual awakening, something I can explain on another thread. Anyways, I was deeply moved and felt spiritually I was on the right path. So I took some photos.
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I was so moved by Hyde Park and finding this pond that I wrote a poem about it. I believe I was John in my past life and it's my soul, nature, and higher self--The title of the poem references a chapter in the Bible that helped me understand the relationship between me, my soul, and my higher self.

John 7:29
Keep me in your sacred heart
Seek me in Hyde Park
At the edge of Neverland
The lemonade stand and the
empty tree filled with many wee goonies
Circular pond of swans, where
Albert's tower tip-tops
A blossom flowering
Love and peace
Harmonies, the wind and leaves
Days we seize to sing
Let it reign,
of you and me

This is the first time I saw the white bird. It was on April 27, 2023. That day I packed a backpack with a peanut butter sandwich and a book, Imagine by Yoko. The book is about Tittenhurst and the making of the album. I started my hike listening to Paul's album Red Rose Speedway and I concluded that it felt like a friend reaching out to a friend. I then sat at the bank of a creek and read out of the book. It tripped me out. My dream was to have a home in the country with a recording studio. I saw pictures that I had strong reactions to. I saw my handwriting. It was like deja vu, it felt familiar, it was me. Shaken and moved, I took a moment to reflect.
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Afterwards, I went for a walk and spotted the bird for the first time.
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At the end of the hike I found a dog tag. This is very important and it shook me. Dogs have been a big symbol of my spiritual awakening. It started in the autumn/winter of '22. I was waking up and I was going through strong reactions over Yoko. Seeing her art, reading her thoughts and poetry, it was turning me back on. I felt deep love. It freaked me out. I felt we were connected, like really connected in our minds. I'll write more about this later but at the time it was profound. And around that time I experienced a miracle. I was in bed and a Tibetan bell went off in my brain. It paralyzed me, this event would happen every now and then and I would fight it, but this time because of everything I was going through, I didn't fight it. So the bell noise grew louder and louder and it felt like every atom and molecule in my head was vibrating, the ringing moved from my head down my chest and to my toes--every part of me was vibrating--it was one of the most intense experiences of my life. Aftwards, the bell unrung and I could move again. And I look at my life as before and after the bell because afterwards, I felt intuition and connection, I was turned on. So around this time in 2022 I was waking up having experiences and feeling love for Yoko and on Twitter I posted an image of Snoopy in love:
610-6103697_falling-in-love-charlie-brown-snoopy-snoopy-love.png I felt we were psychically connected, there's other moments and things that I felt and understood at the time as that. And so when I posted this image, with my mind I was telling her that I'm here and that I feel love. I know how that sounds but considering the miracle I experienced, the strong reactions and deep love I was feeling for her, and considering I believed I was John since I was a boy--I just knew posting this image after having these feelings was what I needed to do. So from this point on in my spiritual awakening, Snoopy became a symbol for my soul and dogs became an iconography of it all for me. So, back to April 27, 2023. I went on this spiritual hike, I read from Imagine realizing my past life, I saw a white bird, and then at the end of the hike I found this dog tag.
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Ravi. When I was a boy. I would come home from school everyday and go straight to the piano and I would play and write songs. I did this everyday as a boy. I would turn on the tube tv in the corner of the room and I would play and casually watch tv and it was zen for me. One day, I saw Ravi Shankar on tv and George Harrison joined him. I was deeply moved by it. So much so that from that day on, I changed the way I played piano--I played piano with my eyes closed. When you play sitar, you sit and look forward, you do not look at your hands. It is a mind-muscle connection where the music really becomes a cerebral experience. And after experiencing seeing Ravi and George on TV I changed the way I played piano to be like Ravi. My closing my eyes to play and write, playing piano became meditation. I still do it today, and it's potent within my mind. Composing and playing with my eyes closed at the piano, I see colors, I see flashes of faces, tiny movies of electric colored silhouettes--I see all these things while playing. Seeing Ravi and George that day changed the way I played piano and made music into a spiritual meditation for me. So, on April 27, 2023, I went on a spiritual hike, read from the Imagine book realized my soul and past life, saw a white bird and the hike ended with me finding a dog tag which is a symbol of my awakening, with Ravi's name on it, Ravi the person from my past who seeing him changed me musically and spiritually. When I experience miracles, synchronicities, spiritual dreams, visions, deep feelings and karmic connection, and finding white feathers--this is me getting in tune with my higher self my soul my past as John.

One more thought. As I said, dogs have become a symbol of my soul and spiritual awakening for me. I was reading awhile ago about in my past life I gave Sean a dog for xmas and the dog ran away, and when I read that I realized the synchronicity of it with dogs being a symbol of my spiritual awakening, that I want to come back home, I wish to return--that's the way I feel about it and after everything spiritually I've experienced and considering my very nature it's a karmic and poetic way I look at it.
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I've come across quite a few 🪶 over the years, of various colors and sizes and holding its own special meaning.

Here is a feather I found just earlier today...(the date being 09-09...haha!) and for me personally in the moment, I was feeling a bit down and frustrated about some things. I found it, and when I picked it up, it came to me, a gentle reminder to "Hold on... it's gonna be alright.".


I've come across quite a few 🪶 over the years, of various colors and sizes and holding its own special meaning.

Here is a feather I found just earlier today...(the date being 09-09...haha!) and for me personally in the moment, I was feeling a bit down and frustrated about some things. I found it, and when I picked it up, it came to me, a gentle reminder to "Hold on... it's gonna be alright.".


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That's beautiful, and it will be alright. Life works out in its own weird way.
I haven't been out today, to so I haven't found any feathers. But I enjoy looking at the silver lining of yours. That's beautiful.
I've only had one 9/9 synchronicity. It was a couple years ago at the beginning of my spiritual awakening. I was working on a song called, 'Home'. It's about how I'm home but home doesn't feel like home and spiritually I feel like I belong some place else. I was frustrated while I was working on the song, I wanted to get it done days before. But I kept at it and I finished and put it on Youtube on 9/9 the same day Julian released 'Jude'. That album means a lot to me. I felt like he was looking for me and was calling out to me. Before I listened to that album, I was compelled to send him my song 'Home' so I messaged him directly on Twitter with the song. I was being casual, but I wanted to tell him that I'm here. Through that album I experienced synchronicities, prophetic at times--symbols in the videos like what I was going through, what I was about to go through, and so much of what I was communicating in my own videos and songs--through him was familiarity.

Again, here's that song. I was going through a phase where I was hiding my voice, transposing things in different keys, trying to sing it different than I heard it. If I sang it now I would sing it lighter and free as a feather. The song is beautiful, I still admire it and means a lot to me and I hope anyone who hears it can feel what I'm saying and relate in their own way.
When I was in Liverpool this past July, I was standing by the Beatles statues and looking at the statue of John and just really thinking about how much life John had left to live and just how alive he was at the time of his murder. A white feather landed right on my arm. My mom said that John was telling me something --- and I believe it. It was an extremely windy day and the feather floated away soon after it landed -- making it even more mysterious to me.
When I was in Liverpool this past July, I was standing by the Beatles statues and looking at the statue of John and just really thinking about how much life John had left to live and just how alive he was at the time of his murder. A white feather landed right on my arm. My mom said that John was telling me something --- and I believe it. It was an extremely windy day and the feather floated away soon after it landed -- making it even more mysterious to me.
I would SOB if this happened to me
IMG_4510 Medium.jpeg I found this cluster of white feathers on February 4th this year. I was in Portland and I was going to an Evensong music performance later that afternoon, but I had time, so I walked to a bar in a cool neighborhood and found this.
IMG_4511 Medium.jpeg When I was at the bar, I shot some pool and found out it was Alice Cooper's birthday. And finding out in a bar like that while shooting pool it made me think of the Vampires in LA. On a side-note, I had a fantastical dream where I was in a red bar in the seventies and I wandered out into LA in the daytime. I went into a nearby pharmacy/grocery store and somehow encouraged the people around me to party. So we partied. Then some gangsters came in and I felt like I was done for. Then this band of female karate agents came to my rescue it was like out of a Tarantino movie. And Yoko was there and looked like she did in the mid seventies in a brown and orange swirling dress, and she grabbed me by the arm and rushed me out of there. I asked her who my heroes were and she said 'Lennonistas' and I said 'right'. And at the end of the dream I saw my reflection and my face was John's from the mid seventies and it was the first time that had happened and I've had other dreams like that. Most recently I had a dream where I sang a song at an empty stadium, I was practicing the song with a group of French musicians and I sang this peace song called, 'Tre Emble Love' In the dream I saw myself and I was halfway between myself and John in the 70's and it was beautiful. I woke up out of bed and played the song as I heard it in the dream and wrote the rest that day. Here's that song:
Anyways, on February 4th I found these white feathers
IMG_4510 Medium.jpeg and then I went into a bar shot pool found out about Alice's birthday and thought about the Vampires. Then, I went to a church music service and they handed out candles and they gave me a couple.
IMG_1479 Medium.jpeg The reason why this is special is at the time I was burning candles in my studio while I worked. And the candle I bought was from Julian's White Feather store. It was a candle that said, 'Dream'. So I found the white feather and the church gave me candles and that was a beautiful moment for me. I go to those music services out of appreciation and love for Anna and to find a white feather and receive candles there at a time when candles had a meaning to me artistically, I thought about her and Julian and I felt connected karmically, like being on the right path.
When I was in Liverpool this past July, I was standing by the Beatles statues and looking at the statue of John and just really thinking about how much life John had left to live and just how alive he was at the time of his murder. A white feather landed right on my arm. My mom said that John was telling me something --- and I believe it. It was an extremely windy day and the feather floated away soon after it landed -- making it even more mysterious to me.
I don't believe in coincidences and I think that is such a beautiful moment and carry that energy with you everywhere you go, it is a blessing.
This was on June 11th 2023. I was in Cambridge England. I went for a walk and I heard a joyful noise. At a park nearby, I photographed a Salvation Army Band. And they marched down the street and I watched the whole performance and it was magical. Listened to music, said some prayers, and at the end I found a white feather there.
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It felt like spiritually I was re-experiencing a part of my past and within I just knew in my heart and soul that I was on the right path.

Nearby this park I found a few karmic things.

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Across the street from where I was staying was this white piano in a garden and I just knew spiritually/karmically it was a sign that I was at the right place for the right reasons.

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I was walking in the nearby neighborhood and I was drawn to this house, and then I realized it made me think of Mimi's house.
Finding that white feather after watching the Salvation Army Band and experiencing the karma of the neighborhood I was staying in and the karma of that city, I felt spiritually I was on the right path and I was connecting with my soul, my higher self.
This was on June 11th 2023. I was in Cambridge England. I went for a walk and I heard a joyful noise. At a park nearby, I photographed a Salvation Army Band. And they marched down the street and I watched the whole performance and it was magical. Listened to music, said some prayers, and at the end I found a white feather there.
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It felt like spiritually I was re-experiencing a part of my past and within I just knew in my heart and soul that I was on the right path.

Nearby this park I found a few karmic things.

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Across the street from where I was staying was this white piano in a garden and I just knew spiritually/karmically it was a sign that I was at the right place for the right reasons.

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I was walking in the nearby neighborhood and I was drawn to this house, and then I realized it made me think of Mimi's house.
Finding that white feather after watching the Salvation Army Band and experiencing the karma of the neighborhood I was staying in and the karma of that city, I felt spiritually I was on the right path and I was connecting with my soul, my higher self.
I came to England to tell Anna about the miracles I experienced and to tell her that I'm John. I fell in love for her in the fall of '22, I experienced a Pentecostal type of miracle on January 5th 2023; my spiritual awakening was heavy but she always made me feel better because I felt she was unrelated, but then I realized that karmically we are connected because she plays the organ at the Albert Hall with 9999 pipes which is how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall, when I realized this the biggest windstorm and thunderstorm I experienced shook my house and broke our fence gate.
When I realized Anna and I have a karmic connection, when I realized how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall, a thunderstorm and windstorm shook my house the most I ever experienced and broke this fence gate. I had three visions. The first, I listened to Sgt Pepper, and it felt like the first time, and every time I closed my eyes I saw flashes of my past, George, Paul, Ringo, Yoko and others from the 60's, I saw Anna in my mind's eye because I finally understood our karmic connection why I had love at first sight for her and the Albert Hall that connected us. I later took a shower and I had a lucid vision of John at my age mirroring me--we were synchronized, I was synchronizing with my soul, my higher self, we were moving and doing everything in tandem. I went to bed listening to the Beatles, and when I closed my eyes I had a vision of heaven--I saw multitudes of people walking in a realm of white light like a wagon train, all these people marching together to a heavenly destination. I realized that my belief that I am John going back to when I was a boy was confirmed between the bell miracle I experienced that fall because of Yoko and this miracle I experienced because of Anna.

Before xmas '22 I decided I wanted to give Anna a song for xmas--I wanted to show her who I am and what I do. On Xmas day, I we had to wait a few days to celebrate xmas which I was very bummed out. I made a sad joke on twitter about potatoes and then she posted a picture of herself with a bowl of potatoes. I was so moved that I decided to send her the song I was working on, Trippy Shoes. A few days before I posted some of the lyrics to the song and the next day Anna posted bedazzled shoes so I felt she was either aware of me or very karmically connected. Anyways, I sent her this video as a message on tiktok xmas day.

on this channel I have other live performances and conversations about my faith and belief in my soul and Humanism.

What's interesting about the song Trippy Shoes is that it started in a dream years ago. I used to have these reoccurring dreams. One where I was broke down emotionally in a large bedroom that was different from mine and a dark haired woman would hold me and comfort me. The other reoccurring dream would be, I would become aware of my dream and then walk away from it, I would open a door and walk through it, when I did I would find myself either in the main studio at EMI or I'd find myself in an empty auditorium--in this dream I would play fantastic dream pianos and keyboard waiting for everyone to show up. One night, I had both of these dreams and then I went to my studio and wrote this song. I never finished it in a way that I liked so I dedicated it to Anna that xmas but I should have also sent it to Yoko. The reason is, is that ever since I became aware of Yoko and had my spiritual awakening in the autumn of '22 I stopped having the dream about the dark haired woman who comforts me. I believe that was her in the dream I believe that it was the bedroom at the Dakota. And ever since I became aware of Anna I've stopped having my dream about EMI/auditorium. In fact the last time I had that dream, she was there playing organ and it shook me that she was in my dream sanctum.

I sent Anna 'Trippy Shoes' for xmas '22. I had my 9999 miracle on January 5th, and then on January 9th she posted herself in white shoes I believed were mine from the 60's. FmDw7JuWIBoXNxO.jpeg
I don't believe in coincidences. I just know those are my white shoes. At the time, I felt like she was drawing me out. I later got worried that she or someone close to her was mistaken for me. Then I thought we're soulmates, then I thought maybe we knew each other in the past. It's unknown. I don't know and everyday I go from one to another and because I've experienced miracles and I don't believe in coincidences especially in matters of my soul--I just know that we're karmically connected, we have a connection, and for whatever reason we I've been woken up and I have a karmic gravity with her, these, shoes, my past life family and friends. I call it a karmic gravity.

These were the things I wanted to tell Anna when I travelled to see her. I was still in my shell. I did tell her in Costa Mesa on April 1st 2023 that 'in my heart I am the walrus'. At the time, I was still in my shell. Even after the miracles I experienced, the synchronicities, the karma that has been with me all my life. I was still hung up about it, nervous to say it. I wanted to be able to have a conversation, I wanted to say it in person. When I saw Anna in California late March early April, I had this feeling because of my love for her and our karmic connection, I just had this feeling like she was going to help me connect with my past life family and friends in California. In my hotel room in Palo Alto, I wrote letters to my family and friends, I stopped short of saying who I am although I felt they knew or would know, and I thought I could either mail them or maybe Anna could help deliver them. If I wrote these letters now, I'd just say, 'hey, it's me'. When I wrote the letters it came from a deep feeling of connection, I felt like psychically, karmically we were connected and aware. Again, I just felt like something was going to happen in California, I don't know why it was just in my intuition that magic was going to happen
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In my journal on my laptop while I was in London, I wrote Sean two letters and I wish I had sent them or posted them at the time. This one from June 5th 2023 I state that I'm John.
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My apologies to Oasis; I saw Noel's Mind Games video and so much of the symbols are things that I have experienced in these last two years and I've come to feel that there are a lot of artists who understand the spirituality of all this--What I'm trying to say is that this isn't an influence or being a fan this is about my soul, my higher self. I have a spiritual ecology, I've experienced miracles, deep feelings, visions, love, and this is what I've felt since I was a boy. The difference from this letter then to now is that I've had more spiritual experiences and realizations and that through love, nature, and faith it can be proven. But I've always felt for that to happen, I need Anna in my life; after everything I've felt and experienced, I don't want to move forward without her. But I have to respect what she wants and how she feels and I just so dearly wish we could talk directly about all of this; I wish to understand and get to the bottom of it. I kept traveling to see her hoping to tell her I'm John and everything I've experienced and woken up to. I wouldn't have done it if I didn't have these spiritual experiences, at the time this was very outside my comfort zone. It ended up getting me in trouble. She had all these journals and my computer with 15 years of music recordings and I don't know what she thought of it at the time, it's unknown to me. All I can say is that these spiritual experiences, the karma of it all never stops. And in my heart and soul I just wish dearly for redemption, peace, and love.