Welcome to the Thread for our text adventure game ESCAPE TO NUTOPIA.

Huge thanks go out to our fantastic team of beta testers and a big warm welcome to everyone playing the game for the first time.

Please share your thoughts about the game - but ***NO SPOILERS*** please - so everyone can enjoy figuring out the gameplay themselves.

Please note there’s several ways to play the game - to just enjoy it, to try to win as many points as possible, to ‘speed run’ in as few moves as possible, and of course to solve the word puzzle game - congratulations to Craig Montoya who was the first person to solve it online!

There are also lots of new elements and easter eggs to explore that are a little ‘off the beaten track’ - you just have to keep looking and listening and reading and thinking. Enjoy! :)
That's so cool, amazing news today, I'm dying to see the games🤍

I DID IT !!!!!🥹🙌✨✨✨✨✨View attachment 2898

This update is truly what we all needed after all. It's so much fun ! Full of details ! (Still a few small bugs but it's okay!) Full of funny things to interact (or not) with !!
Thank you for creating this game !! Thank you for your time and patience dedicated to us. This game has a brilliant future !!
Thank you to everyone of the team behind this !!

Now I will keep exploring until new adventures arrive !!
That's great to know, congratulations! 🤍❤️
I have the correct "password" for the kitchen door according to the Mind Games book, but every time I try to enter it the game says "that still doesn't look quite right." Not sure what to do.
Hiya, is it supposed to continuously tell me I've gained a stamp over and over, or should it move on to something different after I have got them? It keeps telling me I've won a stamp no mater what I type in response. I'm also having trouble login into the game with my email.