I've visited the Citizen of Nutopia website. What do I do now?

We hope you’re enjoying the site and the experience. There’s been a number of updates…
  • Sign up to and then Log in to the Citizen of Nutopia site, to enable more features.
  • Share your ID card with friends – you both earn points when they scan the QR code with their phone and follow the link to sign up.
  • Rotate the world and zoom in and out to discover more details.
  • Click on a Citizen’s dot ⊙ on the map to read their message.
  • Spread love by clicking the ♡ next to a Citizen’s name.
  • Enjoy the John & Yoko Meditation Affirmations together - happening every 15 mins on the site.
May was Mental Heath Awareness Month and 13-19 May was Mental Health Awareness Week in the UK.
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