Introduce Yourself

Hi my name is Karen. I have been following John Lennon and Yoko One since age 5, 1970 from Cleveland, Ohio. I always loved all your music. Your message of Peace, Love, Hope and Joy rings out so true, still to this day. I would love to see worldwide Peace gatherings to promote this more. Saturday the 21st of September is the U.N. international Peace day. Wouldn't it be so cool to have rallies everywhere and chant and sing. All we are saying is give Peace a chance. I think that would be amazing. God bless you all. ☮❤
Welcome, Karen. Nice to meet you. Imagine seeing John and Yoko changing the history with your own eyes... 😱
Hello! I'm Andrew Martin Adamson (Andy). I'm the creator, archivist, and researcher for Synthesizing The Beatles. I hope to meet great people, have great conversations, and have some fun here. Peace and love, Everyone!