
I mean what drunk people do to not feel so drunk anymore?
I discovered I could doze off, literally anywhere, but that didn't seem to work. Then I tried getting some water but all of the water is turned off.

Sorry, I feel so stupid. I don't have a paid Spotify subscription, which I think I'll get just for this game if there are hints in the soundtrack.
The songs have clues in the game? I don't know what to do anymore, I've looked in every corner of the kitchen and I can't find the clue for the laundry room. I think I'll have to subscribe to Spotify too.
I discovered I could doze off, literally anywhere, but that didn't seem to work. Then I tried getting some water but all of the water is turned off.

Sorry, I feel so stupid. I don't have a paid Spotify subscription, which I think I'll get just for this game if there are hints in the soundtrack.
You're in the right track! You just need to make that thing work, explore the whole apartment better and you'll find a way 🙌🏻

The soundtrack of the game is amazing, afterall it's John & Yoko, but I honestly didn't guide myself using the songs or the hints on them, so I wouldn't worry much about not having a paid subscription. You'll manage it using your intuition, you're already doing that 😊