👾🎅 - New, fun (& free) Christmas game for fans of sixties music!


Approximately Infinite
Staff member
The Beatles and the Kinks were of course contemporaries who respected each other’s music (Ray’s less-than-glowing review of Revolver notwithstanding!). In the late seventies they did a Christmas song, in a punk-ish style. It’s great and I think everyone here would like it - it’s called Father Christmas, and got a remaster last year. I’m sure there’s lots of Kinks fans already here!

This year, the people over at the Kinks have made a little arcade-style (think PAC-MAN) game based on the song, which is fantastic! I love the musicians and bands that I love being part of this new era of interaction.

The game can be found here: https://xmas.thekinks.info/game/ (if the link works!) I think I’m currently top of the leaderboard, but that’s very tenuous because I wasn’t the best at the game 😂


Good luck if you decide to give it a go ☺️