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Check out my song, 'Dance Peace'. I wrote it to a drum loop from a vintage drum machine; it's a dance song, but the lyrics are about a Humanist revolution--something good to dance to :cool: There's a great melodica solo, but the whole thing is a vibe and it was so much fun to write and record. Hope you have a wonderful day today, and maybe dance a little bit for peace. ✌️
Not art in the traditional sense, and I didn’t do it, but my daughter, who suffers from anxiety, crocheted this Sgt. Pepper John Lennon doll for me, and I’m pleased as punch with it. What talent! I’m a lucky guy!
It's art in the best sense possible, made by love for love to help your daughter. That's beautiful. It's very sweet and niece would love that.
Here’s some of my old n new stuff
I think they're so beautiful. I like how you capture the essence with one eye leaving the other for the mind and it's like a participation with the viewer to complete it in their mind. Strawberry Fields one is great, too!
hi, everybody! i'm a pianist. check out an album my friends and i recorded three years ago. there're three improvised piano duo sonatas on this album (no. 12, 13 & 14)

if you want to check out something else we recorded, you can visit our pages here and there
I'm really enjoying listening to this, you play piano very well and it's free and so imaginative. I'm going to keep this on my computer desktop for awhile. Thank you for sharing it. I play piano, too and the notion of an 'improvised piano duo' sounds amazing that must be so fulfilling to make something like that in the moment.

This is one of my favorite songs I've written with one of my favorite lines "Starfish daisies in the field of your smile, to let our invitations rewild".
The song came together when I was playing a different song on the piano and my hands fell into the chords from the intro and the song blossomed from there. I think the world of her. When I first saw her it was love at first sight, something I never experienced before--she melted me and I just wanted to know her and be with her. This happened at a time when I was going through a spiritual awakening Autumn of '22. Seeing Yoko and Julian on Twitter was waking me up, I was having deep feelings of connection and love; I was waking up to my past life as John. As the connection grew and as I was going through all these deep feelings, I experienced a miracle, a Tibetan bell rang from my head when I was in bed and the bell rang through my whole body--it felt like every atom was vibrating and it was one of the most intense feelings I ever had; at the time I was feeling love for Yoko and writing and working on songs inspired by the connection and the complicated feelings I was going through and I believe it was a miracle signifying/confirming our soulmate connection, subconscious connection, our love. At the time it was all so heavy.
Anna's art and videos, her goodness, always made me relax and feel comfortable while I was dealing with the heaviness I was feeling from waking up to these deep feelings and experiences. I sent her a song, 'Trippy Shoes' Xmas '22. I didn't really know who she was but in early January '23 I realized she played the organ at the Albert Hall, the organ of 9999 pipes and when I realized that was how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall I experienced a miracle that reminded me of the Pentecost, I had visions during the heaviest windstorm I ever experienced at home. The wind was so strong it broke our fence gate--I realized then that love at first sight and falling for Anna wasn't coincidence that we are karmically connected and I knew the miracle was a confirmation of my soul. The things I experienced, I came to believe we are soulmates, deeply connected karmically. I love her, but things didn't go well. I had opportunities to tell her everything and I didn't because I wasn't out of my shell, still going through the surfacing of my soul. Not long after I gave her the song 'Trippy Shoes' she posted pictures of herself wearing what I believe are my white shoes from my past life. This song, 'Anna', is about my yearning for her, the way I wish I had communicated better, but also how I reached out to share what happened and how she makes me feel. The connection is true, the experiences are real, and I believe in her as I do in myself. I wish I knew all the answers, I wish we could talk it through. She helped wake me up to my soul and nature and I've written so many songs for her and so much of the surfacing of my soul is how I feel for her. I don't know how exactly it came to be, what set the wheels in motion, all I know is that we're karmically connected. My favorite part of this song is the soundscape in the breakdown to the outro, I strummed the bass without playing a note and it felt like heavy vibrations and hope and yearning and her beauty as a person it became a portrait of how I feel about her and myself and there's London train station noise, and NYC subway noise and that's like the stations of karma. I so wish to know, spiritually understand everything between us. The journey I've been on, things I've experienced, the deep love, the deep heartbreak that led to sorrow and fear about her and our connection, times I feel like moving on, times I feel guilty about thinking that--but, at the end of the day I want her to be happy and I want her to know what I've experienced and that our connection is true and beautiful. I think about her everyday and hope with love and faith we can work out.
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I wrote this after a difficult time last summer. I composed it in a chapel. It was a heavy time and a place where people would come in, pray, and find solace. I played the piano there and I would play to their feelings. I tried my best to comfort them as they came in and sought peace with the Universe.
I felt like I was misjudged, yet I still had love, unconditionally--and so much of this song is about forgiveness and understanding which is a part of love and something I yearn for. This song is about peace, and you can't have peace without communication, and I'm urging the listener to communicate to have the kind of empathy and emotional curiosity to put away any judgement or requisites or barriers and to just try to put yourself in someone else's shoes. And I make mistakes and we all do and often because we need to communicate better, and that's the point of true communication, peace that lasts often is about speaking out to things that can be uncomfortable for ourselves and others, but if we have an open heart and positivity as our goal then we can get through what is difficult and arrive at a place where we can share in the comforts of understanding that forgiveness provides. So much in our personal lives, the conflicts in society and around the world--so much of it is because we choose not to communicate for peace. The movement in the song that changes the vibe uplifting and through the end is about embracing communication. But, because I believe in my soul as John, I understood that if I can understand it, if you or anyone else can understand it, then we can look at life differently and be inspired by the cyclical nature of it, and in doing so value each other to make changes. I'm saying that I still believe in love and peace that trauma and being misjudged wasn't going to bring me down because my heart and soul is beautiful and precious just as yours or anyone, that we're all the same and we all have a light within and when we understand that and value that fact that's when things get better for us and everyone and that's when Humanism can transcend a concept into a reality within our culture.
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I wrote this when I came back from NYC spring of '23. It's a peace song. It's about being who you are and letting people know you care. It's about the future when we put differences aside and share in the beauty of people and how that energy can make the world a better place. And it starts with saying 'I'm here' and that it's okay to embrace. Like in the previous song I posted, when people don't communicate or put up walls that's what leads to judging and people getting hurt and it's like Yoko in the Imagine video where she's letting light in through the windows, it's that kind of energy that makes things better in our lives and in the world. I love the composition of the song because the first half is like a ballad and the second half is like a dance song and it's that feeling in the second half that we all look for within as people and what our world could be like if we put differences aside and see each other eye to eye.