Blessings to my fellow utopians I've actually had my utopian id for almost a year but time is irrelevant!.it's only how you use each moment. I know we are in an exciting time.ive been a giver and receiver of gifts. I have been able to see through the veil,or often it's what I hear or witness as it comes on is own at times. Seeing through the veil is a gift, unless you invest in learning modalities of Spirit... you can be in dangerous territory so please do not try to venture into opening your chakras or mind without an appropriate teacher and dedication to meditation at least 10 minutes 2 times daily more is ok. The easiest protection is to be seat ted in a yogic on thhe floor knees crossed and hands in a mudra position. I began at birth I can suppose.. clearing or protection is as simple as sitting cross legged on the floor , however I found great protection and beginning my day showering as the shower itself can be the golden light that encloses you in protection, I went as a reiki practitioner I going through the taught Reiki mantra grounding myself of is possibly different each person on my early journey I began by as they say " when the students ready the teacher will come." Which is true after a beginning meditation with a candle burning in the early to mid 70s my teacher and his friend some how found me and seemed to know me deeper then I knew myself. He said begin meditation by cleansing which is as simple as visualization of a golden light if you have chosen or know masters and teachers in spirit angels that you feel drawn to. I'll try to keep this light but use the most important points. You tube has excellent music or meditation material trust that the clearing as golden light protection will guide you ask your guide of the highest love and light introduce them selves.... be patient and they will as an example when studying shamanic studies under the teachings lead by an indigenous Indian I met a German woman guide. As I was home working on a closing prayer meditation while lying down shiThe first indoctrination to Reiki I was in my room a candle as light wind seemed to roar through my room it was powerful snd beautiful as at the moment I was fully one. Master Asui ( spelling ?) is a main sjpiritual teacher a master Reiki practitioner must lead you through each level. It truly is a wonderful journey for the practitioner and their client. Often if not always they feel a warmth a unique experience each time and often lasts 45minutes to an hour each is lead by your spirit and the. Guides the main master Azui. The person acting as healer receives healing as does the client. G
In brief grounding is connecting to Mother Earth then see it flowing from your root chakra and up to each chakras to the crown chakra ( search for a chakra chart root chakra has a red color at sacral area next is orange at lower abdomen yellow is behind belly button central abdomen it's easier if you search a Chaka chart. If interested in learning you can search for online treachers. Or ones that live near you they should Jane a masters level and certificate
For meditation hand positions or madras you can look up diagrams. I love Sadhguru he has an application with a daily meditation to begin with and insightful teachings he's fun and wise. If you resonate with him or and Buddhist leanings youlll definitely be blessed others may be drawn to Hindu teachings. There's so many things that will ring true to you. A Course of miracles is a beautifully done channeled book supposed to be channeled by master Jesus it's divided into 3 books in one I've read through it several times the opening states "this is required reading, the only thing is your choice in when you take it. I felt so drawn to much of its teachings its main goal is to undo all ego teachings... or teachings not of being attuned to that which does not serve you as part 3 has daily readings with a statement to use esch hour - that part varies I recall "above all II seek to see more vs "There is no sin"
I could start a forum to share with others on their spiritual path. Always be in the light share it in saying namaste to others translation is " I honor the God ( spirit choose what's comfortable) I did it at Disney world as friends were present most were on a dollar coaster I and a friend stayed near the exit silently chanting namaste we e
Ach felt an all encompassing love I'm sure the 100 or more people passing us by felt it in what was comfortable to them. Church doesn't have to be behind walls. It encompasses all across time and space as time is not simply linear and we are so much more then just a body we are spirit eternally there is no death. You each hold so much power use it wisely as if putting on rose color glasses. I caught myself in a month of anger recently at the results coming or that occured. That's when I wasn't meditating and connecting either spirit. We are powerful spiritual beings far above ehat some jokingly refer to as this monkey suit. Peace is all there is if you want it create it beleive it as truly love is all their is. The gift we give ourselves and all is forgiveness.
Sharecif you have any stories of seeing or hearing across the veil. I do beleive in the white feather society ( per Julian and I'm sure Sean is aware of it. Those across the veil can attempt to reach out to you yet they also have work to do. My father passed when he was 45 at Memorial Sloan Kettering Hospital, NYCleukemia a cancer of the blood took him. I saw him at the time he past I was 40 miles away sitting listening to albums on my phone with black lights a big thing in the 70s a whitish figure appeared I looked at the clock it was 7:10 pm. The priest had been sent to tell me snd my younger sister as he was coming up the stairs he called me "Rell ...." I simply said what time father John a wonderful man of God said " it doesn't matter" he answered "it doesn't matter" I asked again @ what time did he die?" He answered @7:10". I nodded and went down to the family room and played Joni Mitchell blue album. It is so beautiful as its pain flowed through me instead of the emptiness I felt, I cried and sobbed ..... I don't know why I choose to hurt so deeply it was more normal then the numbness or paralyzing stillness that had covered me. I had to accept he was gone from this plane. I learned they stay around the first 3 days often. I learned in 2001 talking to my mom no one told my dad he would die. They can't do that at present. That made it hurt all the more.... there was so much left unsaid. I knew he loved me deeply, I learned how deeply he was loved within days of my first wake .... I actually began channeling a message I don't frecsll the words but knew an audience had gathered around a 15 year old girl who was choosing pain, anger and above all the deepest sorrow of my life... that was unbearable like I was no longer present it took years to recover being present.holding on to a degce
Asked loved one is not only hurting yourself it holds back the growth of your loved one. Heaven isn't simply angels singing I was there when in elementary school it was amazing the beauty the colors indescribable. The hall of records I choose to learn ...from here you have your own journey we are to reach enlightenment as Buddha sought it beneath a Bodhi tree.
Continue to love to create and be prepared as bigger ships are coming our celestial star brothers snd sisters have made contracts with the goverment first known was Eisenhower they wanted bunkers removed as they destroy not only this planet bruyond crime snd space. They had released secret papers I couldn't find the link if anyone has it perhaps secret service
papers @ us gov. There was a menu on the left with categories I chose paranormal and UFOs ....
There's a group that is translating from good aliens on you tube they have months under December it said how they've waitedcoverc100 years and plan larger ships soon just keep looking. Na
Namaste. Let your light shine and cover this and other celestial homes. Send peace to guide you and may light enfold you
With love