Tonight’s Q&A in Los Angeles with Elliot Mintz was absolutely magical. It was so lovely to hear him speak about his relationship with John & Yoko. Elliot is such a warm person. Looking forward to reading the book.Is anyone else going to the Barnes & Noble event at the Grove in Hollywood/LA?![]()
Yes, there have been rumours over the years that she was working on her autobiography but nothing ever substantial. Its a shame as it would have been a fascoinating read, and not just the period of her life with John.Elliot’s book has arrived today. Looking forward to hearing Elliot’s perspective.
I like to read many different perspectives. When one reads the perspective of many, then one does only see half of a story. No one will ever know the story of a person apart from that one person.
I think the closest we’d ever get is a book from the magnificent Yoko, but unfortunately I think that ship will never sail.
That were only rumours. She said many times over the years that she was not able to do it. Because it was too emotional for her. But I recommend reading the interviews with her. Yoko said many things about her and John.Yes, there have been rumours over the years that she was working on her autobiography but nothing ever substantial. Its a shame as it would have been a fascoinating read, and not just the period of her life with John.
Look at imaginepeace.There are many interviews here. This is probably my favorite.Yes, there have been rumours over the years that she was working on her autobiography but nothing ever substantial. Its a shame as it would have been a fascoinating read, and not just the period of her life with John.
"Well, this might kill me, but if I’m killed I’m going to be with John, so it doesn’t matter"Look at imaginepeace.There are many interviews here. This is probably my favorite.
“You know when John passed away we had been trying not to eat chocolate, to be healthy. He loved chocolate so much, but I would say, ‘Let’s not do that.’ But two nights before he died, he was in the studio, and I thought I’d go out and buy something.
“I thought, ‘Why don’t I get him a chocolate bar?’ So I came back with a bar of chocolate… ” her voice trails off, and suddenly the eyes looking at me from behind the trademark dark glasses are filled with tears. “Even now it makes me choke up a bit.” She starts to sob gently, but takes a deep breath and continues: “I didn’t know he was going to die, but he was so happy that I got him chocolate. Isn’t that amazing?”
Ono says that she does not fear death, adding that she ignored a warning that her recent involvement with an anti-fracking campaign might endanger her life: “Whenever I do something that I believe in, I think, ‘Well, this might kill me, but if I’m killed I’m going to be with John, so it doesn’t matter.” She laughs
Elliot must have been so important to the making of so many of John's artistic works of life, what a lucky man ! He must surely have gems of anecdotes to tell about the amazing wonderful life of these Big stars like John and Yoko, I hope to buy my copy of the book soon!View attachment 395
Lanzamiento el 22 de octubre de 2024. Reserva ahora .
Una mirada personal y reveladora a los últimos diez años de la vida de John Lennon y su relación con Yoko Ono, escrita por el amigo que mejor los conoció.
En 1972, Elliot Mintz instaló una luz roja en su dormitorio en Laurel Canyon. Cuando empezaba a parpadear, significaba que John Lennon o Yoko Ono (o a veces ambos) lo estaban llamando. Lo hicieron casi todos los días durante casi diez años, lo que provocó que Mintz mantuviera conversaciones telefónicas de varias horas a altas horas de la noche que prácticamente lo consumieron durante la mayor parte de una década.
En We All Shine On , Mintz, un ex presentador de radio y televisión de Los Ángeles, relata la historia de cómo comenzó su improbable amistad y adónde lo llevó a lo largo de los años, revelando los altibajos de una relación salvaje, conmovedora, desgarradora y, a veces, impactante.
Mintz lleva a los lectores al interior de los santuarios internos de John y Yoko, incluido su amplio apartamento en el séptimo piso del legendario edificio Dakota de Nueva York, donde Mintz era una especie de elemento semipermanente, convirtiéndose finalmente en el confidente más cercano y confiable de los Lennon.
Mintz estuvo con John y Yoko en sus momentos creativos más destacados, en sus relaciones y en sus desafíos privados, en sus fascinantes interacciones con los otros ex Beatles y en el momento más feliz de su vida juntos, el nacimiento de su hijo, Sean.
También estuvo al lado de Yoko después del asesinato de John en la puerta del Dakota: no solo fue testigo de todo, sino una figura clave en el drama de las extraordinarias vidas de John y Yoko.
We All Shine On es una lectura obligada para los fans de los Beatles y de Lennon, que ofrece una visión íntima y cercana de uno de los artistas más célebres del siglo XX, así como de uno de los matrimonios más fascinantes. Pero también es una historia de relaciones con la que casi todo el mundo puede identificarse, un relato sobre la colaboración, la lealtad y la confianza y, sobre todo, el legado duradero de una amistad verdadera y profunda.
Lanzamiento el 22 de octubre de 2024. Reserva ahora .
View attachment 394
Fotografía: © Jimmy SteinfeldtELLIOT MINTZ
Elliot Mintz es un consultor de medios profesional que ha trabajado con personalidades como John Lennon, Yoko Ono, Bob Dylan, Paris Hilton, Diana Ross y muchos más. Antes de ser consultor, Mintz trabajó como DJ de radio y presentador de televisión y se desempeñó como corresponsal de entretenimiento para Eyewitness News en KABC.