Karma & Synchronicity


lorren ♡ - @lorrluvssu
Random crazy story, I was listening to “Instant Karma” on YouTube. Suddenly after the song ended, my consciousness was telling me to go on Prime Video because I always watch the “60s & 70s” late-night show. They play lots of different music. I did not think they were going to play a John Lennon song. (Surprisingly, I’ve been watching this late-night show for 2 whole weeks and haven’t seen him yet, until today.) They have him in a little bit before the intermission, though. I always go bezerk when he pops up on the screen 😂

It was such a coincidence!!

I was so ecstatic 🤣

Instant Karma is one of my favorite songs! That's awesome. I love it when things like that happen. I think most recently, I was on a park bench and my iPhone was on Apple Music on their big shuffle and I really wanted to hear Nina Simone's 'Mr. Bojangles' for some reason and as the shuffle was on I thumbed to the search to find that song, and lo and behold the next track on the big shuffle of everything was the song I was looking for and I just smiled. I experience a lot of synchronicities. I remember a year ago I was in a library and I was writing a piece of fiction and while I was writing it at a table with a half dozen other people sitting around, I was writing about a character's religious/spiritual beliefs and I swear to God, everyone around me in different conversations were talking about the things I was writing about--no joke. It was like this meta moment and the closest thing I could attribute to it is when musicians are jamming and you just know and feel what is needed in the moment and I just went with that. A couple people were talking about spiritual people who get in trouble, other people were talking souls and one other person was talking about karma and how we're connected. It was wild. One of my favorite synchronicities was from a year ago or so, I have a smart speaker in my room and I usually have white noise on it, but for some reason I asked it to play train noises, and suddenly a person I admire posted on Twitter that she at that moment was on a train and it just blew my mind. I believe we're all connected and so your story about your intuition helping you find Instant Karma is indeed instant karma. I love that. Someone I've come to admire and appreciate recently posted the album where my name comes from and that kind of blew my mind, I don't believe in coincidences so I always welcome these kinds of moments. I was at a church a week ago and the preacher was talking about magical thinking he was looking for his sunglasses and I think he wrote in a book at a temple he lost them and within a minute or so someone found him and gave him his glasses. I think it's all real. I think art and symbols are often the signs of how we're all connected, the idea that the universe is conscious and we tap into it like we all shine on.
Instant Karma is one of my favorite songs! That's awesome. I love it when things like that happen. I think most recently, I was on a park bench and my iPhone was on Apple Music on their big shuffle and I really wanted to hear Nina Simone's 'Mr. Bojangles' for some reason and as the shuffle was on I thumbed to the search to find that song, and lo and behold the next track on the big shuffle of everything was the song I was looking for and I just smiled. I experience a lot of synchronicities. I remember a year ago I was in a library and I was writing a piece of fiction and while I was writing it at a table with a half dozen other people sitting around, I was writing about a character's religious/spiritual beliefs and I swear to God, everyone around me in different conversations were talking about the things I was writing about--no joke. It was like this meta moment and the closest thing I could attribute to it is when musicians are jamming and you just know and feel what is needed in the moment and I just went with that. A couple people were talking about spiritual people who get in trouble, other people were talking souls and one other person was talking about karma and how we're connected. It was wild. One of my favorite synchronicities was from a year ago or so, I have a smart speaker in my room and I usually have white noise on it, but for some reason I asked it to play train noises, and suddenly a person I admire posted on Twitter that she at that moment was on a train and it just blew my mind. I believe we're all connected and so your story about your intuition helping you find Instant Karma is indeed instant karma. I love that. Someone I've come to admire and appreciate recently posted the album where my name comes from and that kind of blew my mind, I don't believe in coincidences so I always welcome these kinds of moments. I was at a church a week ago and the preacher was talking about magical thinking he was looking for his sunglasses and I think he wrote in a book at a temple he lost them and within a minute or so someone found him and gave him his glasses. I think it's all real. I think art and symbols are often the signs of how we're all connected, the idea that the universe is conscious and we tap into it like we all shine on.
Isn’t it just incredible how things like that happen? It genuinely does make you question how inner spirituality and manifestation intertwine. There’s just something so surreal about it. It’s bewildering to me that it always happens at the right moments as well.
My explanation is that I believe the Universe is conscious and our consciousness is like water molecules within that ocean. And all it really is, is just following your intuition. I think so much of our present culture and life limits our intuition, we look to our smart phones for answers instead of following our hearts. From phones to TV we get distracted and we don't connect with nature so we don't connect with our nature. I think we live in a culture where people aren't curious we just take what's given. If sunlight is the energy that feeds a plant, then love and kindness is the energy that feeds our intuition and from it contentment, a sincerity that engenders peace within. The best thing to do is always look for signs of the conscious universe and do your best to let it guide you in a positive way.
Random crazy story, I was listening to “Instant Karma” on YouTube. Suddenly after the song ended, my consciousness was telling me to go on Prime Video because I always watch the “60s & 70s” late-night show. They play lots of different music. I did not think they were going to play a John Lennon song. (Surprisingly, I’ve been watching this late-night show for 2 whole weeks and haven’t seen him yet, until today.) They have him in a little bit before the intermission, though. I always go bezerk when he pops up on the screen 😂

It was such a coincidence!!

I was so ecstatic 🤣

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I encourage you to change the title of this thread from 'funny stories' to something like 'karma and synchronicty'. Because there is nothing 'funny' about karma, synchronicity, and real miracles--if anything it's spiritually the deepest and most meaningful interpretation of Nutopia. We ought to be inviting everyone to share their experiences so that we can connect, relate, and grow.
I encourage you to change the title of this thread from 'funny stories' to something like 'karma and synchronicty'. Because there is nothing 'funny' about karma, synchronicity, and real miracles--if anything it's spiritually the deepest and most meaningful interpretation of Nutopia. We ought to be inviting everyone to share their experiences so that we can connect, relate, and grow.
That’s more profound, yes!
I remember I was in London, and I went out for a walk and I ran into this man who was a holy man and we talked and he asked me different metrics of what I wanted in life and all I told him was love, marriage, health--because all the metrics of success, money, and materialism that he talked about didn't mean as much to me as love and from love those things would be possible even if they're not what I desired. He then performed magic, and I still don't know how he did it, but he put a piece of paper in my hand and I held it and he asked what was my favourite flower and I said rose and that's what the paper said when I looked at it, he complimented my aura, and I thought that was sweet. But, what happened afterwards was what was amazing. I went walking and I found the Albert Hall without trying. I booked a tour since I was there. I went on the tour and just loved it so, and then we got to the hall itself and the person I came to see, Anna, was on stage practicing and she and I were dressed the same, blue jeans and a red top. I had the biggest grin on my face and I was so happy. It was one thing to meet a spiritual person and have the conversation and magic as we did, but to then follow my intuition, to find the hall, to see her and us dressed the same was so beautiful, I'll never forget it.
I remember I was in London, and I went out for a walk and I ran into this man who was a holy man and we talked and he asked me different metrics of what I wanted in life and all I told him was love, marriage, health--because all the metrics of success, money, and materialism that he talked about didn't mean as much to me as love and from love those things would be possible even if they're not what I desired. He then performed magic, and I still don't know how he did it, but he put a piece of paper in my hand and I held it and he asked what was my favourite flower and I said rose and that's what the paper said when I looked at it, he complimented my aura, and I thought that was sweet. But, what happened afterwards was what was amazing. I went walking and I found the Albert Hall without trying. I booked a tour since I was there. I went on the tour and just loved it so, and then we got to the hall itself and the person I came to see, Anna, was on stage practicing and she and I were dressed the same, blue jeans and a red top. I had the biggest grin on my face and I was so happy. It was one thing to meet a spiritual person and have the conversation and magic as we did, but to then follow my intuition, to find the hall, to see her and us dressed the same was so beautiful, I'll never forget it.
That’s a beautiful story! When you are overall just positive and put those positive emotions into play, positive things emerge in different unpredictable ways.
I was on top of the world at the time. I followed my heart and intuition and I knew I was exactly where I needed to be. I call that sort of thing, karmic gravity. I just felt like I was on my way to love and to be received as if my past and present were coming full circle; like something beautiful was to happen there. And so I agree, positivity fuels it, or in other words, opens the door.
I was going through a very difficult time a year ago. I was in my room writing a letter to a friend because I was leaving and I wanted my friend to know how much I cared and I wanted to give hope. In the letter I expressed my belief on what the meaning of life is; to overcome the pain of material existence with love to fulfill a soul satisfaction the harder life is the greater that soul satisfaction is and perhaps why our karma can deal us a tough blow from time to time. As I was writing the letter the summer day became a thunderstorm, wind and rain blew against my window. It was a nice day and now it was heavy, I left my room for a few minutes and when I came back, the sun was shining and the radio was playing, 'In My Life'. In the letter I left a white feather. I found them through the tough and difficult period and I gave them to friends and people who helped me when I left.
IMG_1533 Medium.jpeg I experienced a miracle on January 5th, on the night of the 7th into the 8th, I meditated to these videos. I had one experience. The voice prompted a moment in time and 'December 8 1980' appeared in my mind like a movie, black screen white letters. It just happened. It was night and like photographs brief moments and it was like when I die in my dreams it happens like that. I get shot in the back and it's concussive, I feel it. The voice asked me to move ahead a few years and I saw my parents looking down at me I must have been a baby because they were so young, tripped me out to see them so young. The following morning Yoko posted this and it tripped me out because it was like she knew what the vision was.
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This was one of my first wishes on Yoko's tree. It was her birthday.

I made her this song for her birthday that year. Afterwards, I made this wish Yoko posted this:
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Because of how she woke me up, and because of the love I felt for her, and because of that wish I wondered and felt like she was answering me, like we were going to get married again. That's how I felt, because I experienced deep love and a bell miracle because of her in the previous Autumn and my whole spiritual awakening that's what my intuition told me, that's how I reacted to it.

The next day February 19 2023, Anna posted this video of herself walking down the aisle of a church and she flashed this emoji :cool: with a line like 'it would be rude not to'. Because I fell in love with her at first sight, because I experienced a miracle through her, and because she wore my white shoes I thought she was answering my wish and we were to get married. When I wrote the wish I was wishing for Anna and me because I fell in love for her, and I wanted to share the rest of my life and music with her; spiritually I believe we are a miracle together.

Because of the spiritual things I've experienced, and because Anna wears my white shoes and Yoko's ring, I felt like Yoko was giving her blessing for me to be with Anna. Because of the karma, synchronicities, and miracles I was experiencing it felt like everything was possible and I knew we were connected even if there's things unknown to me. That's what my heart told me, sometimes my head tells me that part of the reason I woke up spiritually is because someone had taken my place. I'd rather go with my heart but, things I think about often.