Beatles (or just Beatles-Related) Lost Media


was @SgtLimestar on Twitter!
okay. so. this is my first thread so it's gonna sound really wonky butttt. here we go!

I've had a deep fascination with lost media since I was like 10 years old...however that fascination only strengthened once I discovered that there's Beatles lost media-- and it's NOT just Carnival of Light! or the Yellow Submarine remake!

sooo, in this thread, here are my favorite pieces of Beatles (or beatles-related, potato potahto) lost media that are currently lost (or partially found!)

1. Etcetera (lost Paul McCartney recording, 1968)

this one intrigues me so much mostly because it was only mentioned like. once from what I can see. and Paul seemed to not be the biggest fan of it..;_1968)

2. Late Night Line-Up (partially found Abbey Road special, 1969)

I've actually just discovered this one recently thanks to a post I saw on Twitter about it and honestly it's so shocking there's only a single still image and like a very small video clip of the special which looks like the intro of it?? very interesting case I find!

3. Strawberry Fields (partially found production material from the cancelled musical animated film; 1980s-1989)

this one HAS to be my favorite out of all of them. the concept designs, the whole 30 minute wip sequence, it looked so promising! (also, did you SEE the intro of that?? it looks SUPER AWESOME for something from the 80s!!) I also adore the designs of Fool and Rocky..

4. The Beatles Cartoon (partially lost skits/bumpers of animated TV series; 1965-1967)

this one makes me really curious if anything. this would've been considered found media if only the English version of the beekeeping sketch was found. surely, someone must have it?

5. Help! (partially found deleted scenes from The Beatles film; 1965)

a majority of you should know this one, but if you don't, it's exactly what it says. deletes scenes from Help! I think they should've kept the scene where Ringo was milking the cow I kept giggling..."yeah I'm thirsty as heck let me just go get my cow real quick" 😂😂

I'll add more if I remember :} for now I'll leave it at this! feel free to leave anything :}


6. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (partially found unproduced television special; 1967)

I have to be for real, when I first discovered this I actually squealed with delight...does anyone know anything of this??
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okay. so. this is my first thread so it's gonna sound really wonky butttt. here we go!

I've had a deep fascination with lost media since I was like 10 years old...however that fascination only strengthened once I discovered that there's Beatles lost media-- and it's NOT just Carnival of Light! or the Yellow Submarine remake!

sooo, in this thread, here are my favorite pieces of Beatles (or beatles-related, potato potahto) lost media that are currently lost (or partially found!)

1. Etcetera (lost Paul McCartney recording, 1968)

this one intrigues me so much mostly because it was only mentioned like. once from what I can see. and Paul seemed to not be the biggest fan of it..;_1968)

2. Late Night Line-Up (partially found Abbey Road special, 1969)

I've actually just discovered this one recently thanks to a post I saw on Twitter about it and honestly it's so shocking there's only a single still image and like a very small video clip of the special which looks like the intro of it?? very interesting case I find!

3. Strawberry Fields (partially found production material from the cancelled musical animated film; 1980s-1989)

this one HAS to be my favorite out of all of them. the concept designs, the whole 30 minute wip sequence, it looked so promising! (also, did you SEE the intro of that?? it looks SUPER AWESOME for something from the 80s!!) I also adore the designs of Fool and Rocky..

4. The Beatles Cartoon (partially lost skits/bumpers of animated TV series; 1965-1967)

this one makes me really curious if anything. this would've been considered found media if only the English version of the beekeeping sketch was found. surely, someone must have it?

5. Help! (partially found deleted scenes from The Beatles film; 1965)

a majority of you should know this one, but if you don't, it's exactly what it says. deletes scenes from Help! I think they should've kept the scene where Ringo was milking the cow I kept giggling..."yeah I'm thirsty as heck let me just go get my cow real quick" 😂😂

I'll add more if I remember :} for now I'll leave it at this! feel free to leave anything :}
Great thread, Lime. 💙
I am obsessed with Lost Media, too! I started to make a Beatles lost media iceberg. I will have to take a look at it again.

A few of my favorites are:
John and Paul on the Tonight Show 1968

My friend, Pat, was a genius in 1968 and set up a home movie camera and pointed it at her television set and recorded this and then someone else had a reel-to-reel tape recorder, and in the 1980s, they were synced together because the Tonight Show whipped out all of their tapes! It is not complete at all, and I have always hoped that someone somewhere else would record it. But we do now have the complete audio.

George Harrison home movies in America in 1963
Bits and pieces of these have been shown over the years. Living in the Material World and the Now and Then video comes to mind. I did some research in Benton, Illinois, for my first book, and I know that George made home movies of all sorts of things when he was in the United States, and obviously, they are still around. I would love to see them!
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I am obsessed with Lost Media, too! I started to make a Beatles lost media iceberg. I will have to take a look at it again.

A few of my favorites are:
John and Paul on the Tonight Show 1968

My friend, Pat, was a genius in 1968 and set up a home movie camera and pointed it at her television set and recorded this and then someone else had a reel-to-reel tape recorder, and in the 1980s, they were synced together because the Tonight Show whipped out all of their tapes! It is not complete at all, and I have always hoped that someone somewhere else would record it. But we do now have the complete audio.

George Harrison home movies in America in 1963
Bits and pieces of these have been shown over the years. Living in the Material World and the Now and Then video comes to mind. I did some research in Benton, Illinois, for my first book, and I know that George made home movies of all sorts of things when he was in the United States, and obviously, they are still around. I would love to see them!
oh wow!!! that's honestly some really cool stuff there!! :} I think I remember hearing of the first one somewhere...i hope these will be found one day!!! 🤞🤞

also I would LOVE to see the iceberg one day if you ever do decide to come back to it!! 🤩🤩
Bueno, este es mi primer hilo, así que va a sonar bastante raro. ¡Aquí vamos!

He tenido una profunda fascinación con los medios perdidos desde que tenía 10 años... sin embargo, esa fascinación solo se fortaleció una vez que descubrí que hay medios perdidos de los Beatles, ¡y NO son solo Carnival of Light! o el remake de Yellow Submarine.

Bueno, en este hilo, aquí están mis piezas favoritas de medios perdidos de los Beatles (o relacionados con los Beatles, papa papa) que actualmente están perdidos (¡o parcialmente encontrados!).

1. Etcétera (grabación perdida de Paul McCartney, 1968)

Esta me intriga mucho, principalmente porque solo se mencionó una vez, por lo que puedo ver, y Paul no parecía ser el mayor fanático de ella...;_1968)

2. Late Night Line-Up (especial de Abbey Road, 1969, parcialmente encontrado)

De hecho, descubrí esto recientemente gracias a una publicación que vi en Twitter al respecto y, honestamente, es tan impactante que solo hay una imagen fija y como un videoclip muy pequeño del especial que parece la introducción del mismo. ¡Me parece un caso muy interesante!

3. Strawberry Fields (material de producción parcialmente encontrado de la película animada musical cancelada; década de 1980-1989)

Este TIENE que ser mi favorito de todos. Los diseños conceptuales, toda la secuencia de 30 minutos en progreso, ¡se veía tan prometedor! (además, ¿VISTTE la introducción de eso? ¡¡Se ve SÚPER IMPRESIONANTE para algo de los 80!!) También adoro los diseños de Fool y Rocky.

4. Dibujos animados de los Beatles (sketches/stoppers parcialmente perdidos de la serie animada de televisión; 1965-1967)

Esto me da mucha curiosidad, si acaso. Se habría considerado un medio encontrado si solo se hubiera encontrado la versión en inglés del boceto de apicultura. Seguramente alguien debe tenerlo, ¿no?

5. ¡Ayuda! (Se encontraron escenas parcialmente eliminadas de la película The Beatles, 1965)

La mayoría de ustedes deberían saber esto, pero si no, es exactamente lo que dice. Elimina escenas de ¡Ayuda! Creo que deberían haber conservado la escena en la que Ringo estaba ordeñando la vaca. Me reí... "Sí, tengo mucha sed, déjenme ir a buscar a mi vaca rápidamente".😂😂

Agregaré más si lo recuerdo :} ¡por ahora lo dejaré así! Siéntete libre de dejar cualquier cosa :}


6. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (especial de televisión parcialmente encontrado y no producido; 1967)

Tengo que ser sincero, cuando descubrí esto por primera vez, realmente grité de alegría... ¿Alguien sabe algo de esto?
Wow I really didn't know about this, it's very interesting, thanks for sharing this information with us! 🤍
oh wow!!! that's honestly some really cool stuff there!! :} I think I remember hearing of the first one somewhere...i hope these will be found one day!!! 🤞🤞

also I would LOVE to see the iceberg one day if you ever do decide to come back to it!! 🤩🤩

I gave the iceberg a look, and I am happy to see that it is outdated. I had the Threetles "Now and Then" listed as "Lost Media," and we now have that!
I just learned that a piece of Paul McCartney lost media was found this year ---- Paul's cameo in Weird Al's 2009 short film called "Al's Brain!"