🪶 Feathers. 🕊

Ingryd Medeiros

di♡ — @/ceofjohnlennon
"One thing Dad said to me should he pass away, if there was any way of letting me know he was going to be ok the message would come to me in the form of a white feather. Then something happened to me about ten years ago when I was on tour in Australia. I was presented with a white feather by an Aboriginal tribal elder, which definitely took my breath away. One thing for sure is that the white feather always represented peace to me." — Julian Lennon.
As a fan of John, I always feel his spirit not only in the art he left us but also in the symbolic representation of the feather. Not just the white one, as Julian said, but in any feather that appears to me in the moments I need it most. Feathers mean freedom and John was always free: Free from standards, social constraints and any chains.

I wanted to create a thread where we can share whenever we see a feather and remember John, what do you think? :)

I found this feather on December 8, 2021 and I know it was him telling me that everything was fine - the color of the feather doesn't matter to me, what matters is that he is really fine.1000263304.jpg
I hope it's okay if I share some personal experience and lessons I received through John's spirituality...!

Without going into too much detail, this year I had some unbelievably difficult mental health struggles which took about all I had out of me, and there were more than a few occasions where it was on the verge of begging for any kind of higher power to come and take the burden away. I absolutely consider John to be my 'spirit advisor' or 'spirit guide,' as even without divine intervention he has already left enough 'little messages' in the mortal world from which there is so much wisdom to be gratefully understood and used in my own life.

In good moments, including in the present, I usually experience a lot of surreal and spiritual happenings, including the appearances of birds, feathers, but whenever I'd start to go into one of these kinds of 'pleading' situations, these moments would completely disappear and not return for a lengthy period of time. It was

It took the course of a few months before I had a zoning-out kind of daydream, which I can still only vaguely recall, but I felt that I was being approached, and heard a way-too-familiar Liverpudlian voice say, "I get it...but I can't help you, only you can help yourself."

It really startled me out of this dreaming state, but I immediately felt a renewed conviction because I knew it was right, and a fundamental facet of understanding which permeates nearly everything he ever did. He'd been through the same trip - looking for help from various sources and putting his faith in them, receiving 'helpful hints' but never accessing a complete relief (be it a Maharishi, Janov, etc;). It's only through taking these 'little gifts' from various practitioners of health (mental, emotional, psychological, physical) that we can devise our own plan that makes use of all of them in order to fulfill our best self, because no one/singular modality can do it all.

I discovered early on in my life that I never felt 'God' was a separate omniscient being, but rather something that was already inside of each person, within our own possession and something we individually have to work to access. I still remember the feeling of awe I had discovering John had also reached the same conclusion rather early in life (and explained this openly as early as 1966).

Soon after, drifting to sleep one night, the same feeling being of being 'approached' came, and I heard "Every person is God, and the body is a temple."
It was brilliant, I thought - that in order to best fulfill our duty to ourselves, we must give our physical body the respect it deserves. It needs to be cared for, listened to, trained, and nourished to the healthiest possible state. There's such a distinct and unique correlation between mind and body, and that keeping our bodies healthy allows a stronger connection to the experiential self and allows it to thrive without restriction. If the 'temple' is maintained to its best order, access to 'God' while practicing in the 'temple' will be stronger!

It took only a few seconds to register that his 1968-onward vegetarianism and macrobiotic diet were what allowed him to access the same idea, surely. Not that neither he nor I haven't still indulged with food a bit here and there...! But the message was clear, and it too is something I've made changes in my approach to do as best as possible for my own greater good.

In the low moments before all this, my go-to was (and remains) Mind Games, which is my very favorite John album, and one that's both beautifully deep and yet immensely bright at the same time. Whenever it was at the lowest point, I made myself keep going because I know the Ultimate Collection was coming, and I wouldn't want to miss an amazing presentation of something so special to me. So I persevered, and it was so worth it! (Yes, for many things, but this really helped). The box set was the soundtrack to my summer, and something I could totally immerse in and enjoy instead of dwelling on the negatives that were surrounding me. I must have played the whole thing 25 times (I mean it!) and I still do. It almost singularly got me through a major rough period, and the fact this campaign just keeps on giving (including this wonderful forum) has been nothing short of a real blessing.

It was one morning while playing the album that I was sitting and quietly acknowledging how healing this album is for me (which John's music does for me like no one else). Suddenly, my phone lit up and it was a text from my grandmother, saying "You should come over." And, for whatever reason, I didn't question it and immediately paused the music and did exactly that. I walked in and she said, "I'm not sure why, I just thought you might like this," and handed me a framed plaque which reads "Music is the medicine of the mind." You can imagine how prescient this moment seemed. It seemed all too perfectly timed, and I graciously accepted it, and it now hangs adjacent to my bed so I can see it and acknowledge it every night before falling asleep.

I apologize for the lengthy post, but hopefully at least someone will find some enjoyment out of it...!

Here's a few quotes that I love which are closely aligned (if not identical) to what I felt he shared with me:

"The mind is a 'muscle', it needs exercise (to strengthen it)" (1979)

"Well, you make your own dream. That's the Beatles' story, isn't it? That's Yoko's story. That's what I'm saying now. Produce your own dream. If you want to save Peru, go save Peru. It's quite possible to do anything, but not to put it on the leaders and the parking meters. Don't expect Jimmy Carter or Ronald Reagan or John Lennon or Yoko Ono or Bob Dylan or Jesus Christ to come and do it for you. You have to do it yourself. That's what the great masters and mistresses have been saying ever since time began. They can point the way, leave signposts and little instructions in various books that are now called holy and worshiped for the cover of the book and not for what it says, but the instructions are all there for all to see, have always been and always will be. There's nothing new under the sun. All the roads lead to Rome. And people cannot provide it for you. I can't wake you up. You can wake you up. I can't cure you. You can cure you." (1980)

Although I had to be aware enough to understand and be capable to implement these things in myself, I do feel that I owe a huge debt to John's own "signposts and little instructions," for which I'm eternally grateful. If learning these things on his own journey and sharing them with us was his ultimate purpose, then it's a mission he was completely successful in. I'm so glad those of us here are able to continue learning from them and sharing them with others too. Thank you, John. 🕊️ 🪶
LOVE this idea!! One of my most magical moments to date - spotting a white feather while sitting inside Strawberry Fields in NYC! I immediately knew John was sitting with me that day 🤍

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I am so moved by this. I left a feather just like it there last December, and I'll post it here and explain the context of it. It's all real and in Shinto religion the barrier between our world and the spirit world is nature and I believe these feathers are a sign because we've aligned our hearts and minds with them and with each other. Again, I'm so moved, the feather I left there was so much like that one. All my life I've never noticed white feathers, but I had a spiritual awakening a couple years ago and since then these white feathers--I keep finding them but as with everyone who has experienced it--they find you. In my faith, I believe I was John in my past life and it's about my nature the way I sing, write, think and the experiences I have; it started when I was a boy when I heard 'Free As A Bird' it was the same way I played the piano and wrote and I felt as a boy that was my writing that was my song and felt that was me. I've also have had intense spiritual dreams and the conclusion I've come to is that we are the same soul he is my higher self and John chapter 10 in the New Testament helped me understand that better. But the beauty is that it's the spirit we all tap into and what you've shown with this picture is truly a special moment. I just want to tell you that seeing this feather you posted really moves me, it hits me deep because it looks so much like the one I left there at Strawberry Fields xmas '23. I'm going to post my feathers here and when I post that one I will give you a shout-out.
So this is an interesting white feather story. This is from December 22, 2023 IMG_4438.jpeg I originally found this feather in the summer of '23, I was going through a very difficult moment and I found this feather I took it back to my room and meditated to the classical music station, the 1st song was Here Comes The Sun in classical guitar, I meditated deeply and when I came to my pad-mate gave me a green apple while smiling at me, he was watching the tv a movie about a dog who reincarnates and connects with his family--in my spiritual awakening dogs have been a symbol for me, I first used a picture of Snoopy and posted it online when I felt connection with Yoko and felt love. So that's where this particular feather came from. In December of '23, I went to NYC, I came to see Sean perform at a holiday show. I was on my way on the subway heading towards Strawberry Fields when my intuition went off--I thought, I should leave something there. As I thought this, I saw a wispy white feather tumble down the subway aisle to my feet--it was like a dream. IMG_4435.jpeg
So, I went back to my hostel room. When I was in my room it dawned on me what I should do. I didn't plan this, but when I left for NYC I took my favorite white feather and my favorite cup with me. The cup I bought when I was around 13 at a Japanese grocery store in Seattle--It had been my favorite cup and was with me wherever I called home. With my intuition, I wrote Yoko a letter, gathered the cup and white feather and went back to Strawberry Fields. Whenever I go to Strawberry Fields, I feel this heavy gravity. I feel it in my gut, I feel drawn to the memorial, and because I believe I was John in my past life--I've wondered if ashes from my past life are under the memorial. I had a spiritual dream where I was in a large cylindrical elevator underground and when I came to the surface I was in Central Park. So, with reverence, I left the cup, letter, and feather there. It was after the fact that something profound dawned on me. The memorial at Strawberry Fields is a 'Mend Piece' by Yoko. Mend Piece is a ceramic broken cup that you mend together with glue and it's meant to mend yourself within as you fix the cup. Because I believe in my soul, leaving the cup there was in essence finishing this art piece and it made me think of rolling the stone from the New Testament. IMG_4436.jpeg

Afterwards, I walked away and I didn't know where I was going I just walked. I came across this bandstand and later realized the significance to my previous life. IMG_4440.jpeg I walked away from it and found this dog statue which made me think of my spiritual awakening IMG_4443.jpeg

IMG_4446.jpeg The next day, I saw this on my hostel door and it made me laugh and reminded me of the song, it's only recently I realized the art show from '68
I went back to Central Park and I wandered without knowing where I was going and the thought popped in my head about Alice In Wonderland, the statue I saw from a Linda McCartney photograph of Jimi Hendrix, and I swear to God within a couple minutes I found it. I believe it was intuition, like I've been there before. The same thing happened when I went to London, I found The Albert Hall aimlessly and found someone there I care about.
I share this because this is my karma, this is my relationship with white feathers they're like milestones along my spiritual journey of realizing my soul, my nature. And I hope white feathers are that way for everybody; I believe they are a sign that keeps us together and connected.



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A couple times I found feathers they fell into my hand from the air. One occasion was in NYC. I was Chelsea walking to the subway. I was going to Strawberry Fields to tell people that I'm John, that I awakened to my soul/nature and that I'm back. As I was walking I thought about asking one of the buskers there if I could play 'Free As A Bird' the song that helped wake me up when I was a boy. At that moment I was walking across a crosswalk when a little white feather fell right in front of me, I reached out my palm as I was walking and it fell into my hand. I swear to the universe, that's what happened I thought about Free As A Bird and what I wanted to do and the feather fell into my hand, I took a picture of it when I got down into the subway.
Also, when I was in NYC Xmas '23, Yoko posted about her apartment on Chambers Street where she hosted her first art shows in the city and when I was there I found a feather.
Another time a feather fell from the sky into my hand was in November 2023. I was on a walk and it was raining. And in front of me a wispy white feather was floating at eye level. It was raining so that it made no sense to me how a feather like that would be floating assuming the rain ought to have brought it down it was like it was floating between the raindrops. What was even more strange is that the feather lifted up in the air a few feet and as it came back down I walked towards it and it fell into my hand. What's even stranger, is that I walked back home with the feather and I took a picture of it and posted it online. When I walked back outside the rain had completely stopped.
I've had several moments where I'm involved in something regarding my soul and faith and the weather changes.
One moment was when I received this book about Yoko in the mail.
Prior to receiving it, I went for a walk. It was a winter's day, but it didn't feel too cold. When I came home I got the book in the mail and brought it inside. As I was thumbing through it in my studio, I looked outside and the weather had changed and it was snowing. The snow wasn't in the weather forecast. And when I went outside, it was really coming down. I've been having lots of spiritual experiences like this since I had a major spiritual awakening in the autumn of '22. Since then I've found white feathers, experienced miracles, had spiritual dreams and visions and experiences that helped me realize my past in present. I've believed I am John since I was a boy and in these last two years I've been on a journey, something I never expected and something that karmically keeps growing and developing as I rediscover and understand my soul and nature.
I hope it's okay if I share some personal experience and lessons I received through John's spirituality...!

Without going into too much detail, this year I had some unbelievably difficult mental health struggles which took about all I had out of me, and there were more than a few occasions where it was on the verge of begging for any kind of higher power to come and take the burden away. I absolutely consider John to be my 'spirit advisor' or 'spirit guide,' as even without divine intervention he has already left enough 'little messages' in the mortal world from which there is so much wisdom to be gratefully understood and used in my own life.

In good moments, including in the present, I usually experience a lot of surreal and spiritual happenings, including the appearances of birds, feathers, but whenever I'd start to go into one of these kinds of 'pleading' situations, these moments would completely disappear and not return for a lengthy period of time. It was

It took the course of a few months before I had a zoning-out kind of daydream, which I can still only vaguely recall, but I felt that I was being approached, and heard a way-too-familiar Liverpudlian voice say, "I get it...but I can't help you, only you can help yourself."

It really startled me out of this dreaming state, but I immediately felt a renewed conviction because I knew it was right, and a fundamental facet of understanding which permeates nearly everything he ever did. He'd been through the same trip - looking for help from various sources and putting his faith in them, receiving 'helpful hints' but never accessing a complete relief (be it a Maharishi, Janov, etc;). It's only through taking these 'little gifts' from various practitioners of health (mental, emotional, psychological, physical) that we can devise our own plan that makes use of all of them in order to fulfill our best self, because no one/singular modality can do it all.

I discovered early on in my life that I never felt 'God' was a separate omniscient being, but rather something that was already inside of each person, within our own possession and something we individually have to work to access. I still remember the feeling of awe I had discovering John had also reached the same conclusion rather early in life (and explained this openly as early as 1966).

Soon after, drifting to sleep one night, the same feeling being of being 'approached' came, and I heard "Every person is God, and the body is a temple."
It was brilliant, I thought - that in order to best fulfill our duty to ourselves, we must give our physical body the respect it deserves. It needs to be cared for, listened to, trained, and nourished to the healthiest possible state. There's such a distinct and unique correlation between mind and body, and that keeping our bodies healthy allows a stronger connection to the experiential self and allows it to thrive without restriction. If the 'temple' is maintained to its best order, access to 'God' while practicing in the 'temple' will be stronger!

It took only a few seconds to register that his 1968-onward vegetarianism and macrobiotic diet were what allowed him to access the same idea, surely. Not that neither he nor I haven't still indulged with food a bit here and there...! But the message was clear, and it too is something I've made changes in my approach to do as best as possible for my own greater good.

In the low moments before all this, my go-to was (and remains) Mind Games, which is my very favorite John album, and one that's both beautifully deep and yet immensely bright at the same time. Whenever it was at the lowest point, I made myself keep going because I know the Ultimate Collection was coming, and I wouldn't want to miss an amazing presentation of something so special to me. So I persevered, and it was so worth it! (Yes, for many things, but this really helped). The box set was the soundtrack to my summer, and something I could totally immerse in and enjoy instead of dwelling on the negatives that were surrounding me. I must have played the whole thing 25 times (I mean it!) and I still do. It almost singularly got me through a major rough period, and the fact this campaign just keeps on giving (including this wonderful forum) has been nothing short of a real blessing.

It was one morning while playing the album that I was sitting and quietly acknowledging how healing this album is for me (which John's music does for me like no one else). Suddenly, my phone lit up and it was a text from my grandmother, saying "You should come over." And, for whatever reason, I didn't question it and immediately paused the music and did exactly that. I walked in and she said, "I'm not sure why, I just thought you might like this," and handed me a framed plaque which reads "Music is the medicine of the mind." You can imagine how prescient this moment seemed. It seemed all too perfectly timed, and I graciously accepted it, and it now hangs adjacent to my bed so I can see it and acknowledge it every night before falling asleep.

I apologize for the lengthy post, but hopefully at least someone will find some enjoyment out of it...!

Here's a few quotes that I love which are closely aligned (if not identical) to what I felt he shared with me:

"The mind is a 'muscle', it needs exercise (to strengthen it)" (1979)

"Well, you make your own dream. That's the Beatles' story, isn't it? That's Yoko's story. That's what I'm saying now. Produce your own dream. If you want to save Peru, go save Peru. It's quite possible to do anything, but not to put it on the leaders and the parking meters. Don't expect Jimmy Carter or Ronald Reagan or John Lennon or Yoko Ono or Bob Dylan or Jesus Christ to come and do it for you. You have to do it yourself. That's what the great masters and mistresses have been saying ever since time began. They can point the way, leave signposts and little instructions in various books that are now called holy and worshiped for the cover of the book and not for what it says, but the instructions are all there for all to see, have always been and always will be. There's nothing new under the sun. All the roads lead to Rome. And people cannot provide it for you. I can't wake you up. You can wake you up. I can't cure you. You can cure you." (1980)

Although I had to be aware enough to understand and be capable to implement these things in myself, I do feel that I owe a huge debt to John's own "signposts and little instructions," for which I'm eternally grateful. If learning these things on his own journey and sharing them with us was his ultimate purpose, then it's a mission he was completely successful in. I'm so glad those of us here are able to continue learning from them and sharing them with others too. Thank you, John. 🕊️ 🪶
I think that's beautiful. And I think what you are saying is true to the reality of what life really is. We're all connected and I believe the universe is conscious and that nature is the line between physical and the spiritual world, so your relationship with feathers and birds is meaningful and it signifies that connection. I think karma and synchronicity is evidence of how we are all connected conscious and spiritually with the universe. Each of us has a light within and a circle of influence, the vibes that we send out and every religion and spirituality is about cultivating it--you interact with music, scripture, objects, nature and by seeing it in signs and reading it we gain understanding of ourselves and those around. I think what you wrote is right on and everyone can follow that example and grow with it and guide us. I had a spiritual awakening two years ago and it confirmed within me something I felt since I was a boy and my spiritual experiences and feathers--It's like connecting with my higher-self, my soul and I'm moved by what you said and your positive attitude is wonderful and keep going with that. People go through a lot in life, and for me, I struggle to maintain my happy vibe because I feel out of place where I am, or I feel like I need someone by my side to help sustain it, ext. But to read what you said and to see everyone else's experiences, it makes me feel less alone and it helps me to better understand and solidify my faith. Bless you for sharing and allowing the spiritual to bring out the best in you, keep it going.
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Spotted this one outside the Dakota on a dark, cold December evening. I just know John was with me to make sure I got home safely. View attachment 316View attachment 317

That is deeply moving and profound. I don't believe in coincidences and to find a feather there in that context is special and signifies a connection. That is so beautiful and I thank you for sharing that--always carry that energy with you.

I was there last December, and before going there I had a meditation session and in it I saw the Dakota from Central Park and I realized the archway was on the left side. When I got there last December it really moved me to find it there. I didn't find a feather, but, I was on the sidewalk at night facing it and a car exhaust backfired behind me and it scared me and made me shudder in fear. I believe it was a synchronicity with my past life, when I encounter white feathers, dreams, experiences, and follow my nature--it's how I connect with my higher self/soul. And I believe that in life everyone and everything is connected, and for us to share these kinds of experiences with white feathers it's real and it really is a connection between us all and that is beautiful and special. It makes me feel less alone and it strengthens my faith and I hope it does that for you as well.