Hey guys, as Sean said, we'll be ironing out a few bugs this weekend to bring you a better experience.
This part of the game is only a small part of a very big puzzle so don't worry too much about losing anything at this stage - you can easily get it all back again once you know how to do it. There is a huge amount of narrative to roll out, and there's plenty of time, so please be patient.
Thankyou for all your feedback - we love it - and will be using it to further improve the game as we go.
If you have experienced any kind of sudden reset that then creates problems with glasses or location, your software has definitely glitched - and I'm sorry, the only way to fix it is to type 'restart' followed by 'connect spotify' to restart the game.
We're working on the fix which will be part of a bigger update coming on Monday. Right now the team are getting some well-earned forty winks, so why don't you look in the game for something to do, like finding a book to read. You never know what you might discover.