📷 Yoko Ono photos - post your favourites!

FlfYb90XgAIeDvG.jpegThis is one of my favorites of her. I saw it New Years between '22-23. Looking into her eyes, the unique sunglasses, the hat, what she's wearing and the vibe she was sending. Like saying, 'we are connected, I see you'. The photos on the piano, her presence before the past looking forward. She's beautiful. I remember I was going through a lot at the time and it calmed me down to see her like this, made me feel better.
I think of wishes and positive, magical thinking when I see this. Also a story about a boy who had to carry what was thought of as a bomb up a hill but it was really a crystal ball and the moral is that something is only as bad as you think it is and as good as you believe it is. And this I keep on my mind. It's important to keep finding what's positive and look at something from a different perspective, take the thing that brings you down or what you feel is felt about you and repurpose it into positivity--that in itself is a kind of magic and something we can all do.