Good Dog Nigel

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IMAGINE PEACE TOWER is an outdoor work of art conceived by Yoko Ono in memory of John Lennon. It is situated on Viðey Island in Reykjavík, Iceland [map]. The artwork was dedicated to John by Yoko at its unveiling on October 9th 2007, John Lennon’s 67th birthday.

IMAGINE PEACE TOWER symbolizes Lennon’s and Ono’s continuing campaign for world peace – which began in the sixties, was sealed by their marriage in 1969 and will continue forever.

IMAGINE PEACE TOWER is lit every year on the following dates:
  • October 9th (John’s birthday) - from 8pm dawn.
  • October 10th - December 8th (the anniversary of his death) - from one hour after sunset until midnight.
  • Winter Solstice (December 21st) until Dec 30 - from one hour after sunset until midnight.
  • New Year's Eve - 8pm until the dawn of New Year's Day.
  • The first week of spring (March 20th -27th) which are also the dates of John & Yoko’s wedding and honeymoon- from 8pm until midnight.

Find out more at imaginepeacetower.com.

Tell us your stories about IMAGINE PEACE TOWER below.


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Dear Yoko Ono
and all of you who read this story of mine

I hope this letter finds you well and surrounded by peace. I’m writing to you from Iceland, a land deeply inspired by your work and vision, especially through the magical presence of the Imagine Peace Tower in Viðey. There is a special story I want to share with you, one that connects deeply with the values of peace and harmony that you have championed throughout your life.

I am a trained preschool teacher who has dedicated this century to promoting prevention efforts, particularly focusing on contributing to the prevention of violence and inequality against children. I have been unafraid to introduce these concepts to children as young as two years old, always tailoring the approach to their development and capabilities. My goal has been to educate them without instilling fear.

In 2019, while working at a preschool, I encountered a situation where the oldest children, aged four and five, were struggling with their interactions, even engaging in bullying. When I spoke to them about the potential harmful effects of their behaviour, they asked me for help. They requested that I create rules they could follow—rules for social interactions, much like the traffic rules that children and adults alike follow on the road. These rules eventually became what is now known as the "Circle of Solutions."

In Iceland, we have a powerful tradition called "Lausnahringurinn," "Circle of Solutions” or the It’s a concept that has captured the hearts and imaginations of our children, and I believe it resonates beautifully with the essence of the Imagine Peace Tower. Children in Iceland, especially those in preschool, have embraced this idea as a guiding light in their lives. Lausnahringurinn consists of seven simple yet profound rules of communication—rules that encourage empathy, self-control, and understanding in our interactions with others.

What makes Lausnahringurinn so special is its origin. It was created by children, for children and all others. These young minds crafted the rules with simplicity and sincerity, and as they grow older, they carry these principles into the wider world, finding that the "Circle of Solutions” is not just for childhood, but for life. It teaches them that by following these rules, they become "Lausnahetja" or "Solution Heroes," guiding others towards peaceful and respectful interactions—something that is desperately needed in today’s world.

When I was teaching them, we visited the Imagine Peace Tower, the stood around it, holding hands, and we sing your song Imagine, and make a wish. Now I believe that every year on October 9th, when the Imagine Peace Tower lights up, our children focus their hearts on the tower. They believe that by sending the Lausnahringurinn into the light, its power spreads across the globe, bringing about peace and stopping wars. They truly believe that the light of the tower, combined with the magic of the Ring of Solution, can make the world a better place.

The seven rules of Lausnahringurinn are:

1. STJÓRNA SÉR (Control Our self): Control our bodies and words, show restraint, and respect others and our environment. Understanding that both actions and words can hurt others.

2. VERA MEÐ (Be With Others): Participate in groups or enjoy solitude, show empathy, recognize bullying, and understand the importance of inclusion.

3. SKIPTAST Á (Share): Learn to share and take turns, be considerate, and practice patience in communication.

4. STOPPA (Stop): Set and respect boundaries, recognize personal limits, and seek help when needed.

5. KNÚS (Hug): Show compassion while respecting boundaries, and understand the importance of consent in giving and receiving affection.

6. HJÁLPA (Help): Learn the value of helping and resilience, solve problems independently, and develop self-sufficiency.

7. FYRIRGEFÐU (Forgive): Acknowledge mistakes, understand their impact on others, and practice forgiveness.

In preschool, we begin by discussing these communication rules through stories and books. Even at the age of two, children understand the importance of these rules. They often share stories of their own, like wanting someone to stop but not being able to, or how adults at home sometimes don’t control their words and shout at them. One child even remarked that if Putin had learned Lausnahringurinn, there wouldn’t be any wars.

Our mission is to teach these rules to children as we do with traffic safety and fire drills. Prevention in communication is just as crucial, if not more so. We all carry within us the potential to be Solution Heroes, using the Circle of Solutions to guide our interactions. And through this, we can all learn to respect and set boundaries, fostering a world of peace and understanding.

I wanted to share this with you because the work you have done continues to inspire us. Your vision of peace, as embodied in the Imagine Peace Tower, is something that aligns perfectly with the Lausnahringurinn. The children believe in this connection, and in their innocence and wisdom, they see the Imagine Peace Tower as a beacon that can amplify the power of Lausnahringurinn to reach the entire world.

Thank you for all that you do. The light you have lit in Viðey shines far beyond our island, and in the hearts of our children, it carries the hope of a peaceful world.

Today I run my own business, Samtalið fræðsla ekki hræðsla (The conversation teach not make fear) focusing on this, it's small and located in Sundaborg where I have the view out my window towards Viðey, unfortunately there are big buildings that shadow the wonderful Imagine Peace Tower.

With warm regards and deep respect,
Arnrún María Magnúsdóttir, kindergarden teacher Iceland

Lausnahringurinn .pngrABmVKVg.jpeg
IMAGINE PEACE TOWER is an outdoor work of art conceived by Yoko Ono in memory of John Lennon. It is situated on Viðey Island in Reykjavík, Iceland [map]. The artwork was dedicated to John by Yoko at its unveiling on October 9th 2007, John Lennon’s 67th birthday.

IMAGINE PEACE TOWER symbolizes Lennon’s and Ono’s continuing campaign for world peace – which began in the sixties, was sealed by their marriage in 1969 and will continue forever.

IMAGINE PEACE TOWER is lit every year on the following dates:
  • October 9th (John’s birthday) - from 8pm dawn.
  • October 10th - December 8th (the anniversary of his death) - from one hour after sunset until midnight.
  • Winter Solstice (December 21st) until Dec 30 - from one hour after sunset until midnight.
  • New Year's Eve - 8pm until the dawn of New Year's Day.
  • The first week of spring (March 20th -27th) which are also the dates of John & Yoko’s wedding and honeymoon- from 8pm until midnight.

Find out more at imaginepeacetower.com.

Tell us your stories about IMAGINE PEACE TOWER below.
Love this! It's a beautiful representation of how John's been lighting up our lives and the world! I also remember the "a million tweets for John", that was so incredible as well. I'm quite sure that by now we have over a million of those talking wonderful thing about him 🥰
Love this! It's a beautiful representation of how John's been lighting up our lives and the world! I also remember the "a million tweets for John", that was so incredible as well. I'm quite sure that by now we have over a million of those talking wonderful thing about him 🥰
So well said! A literal beacon of light, a symbol of hope and an icon of John's omnipresence and permanence in our world. 🕊️
More news from Iceland about the IMAGINE PEACE TOWER renovations
I would definitely face my cold sensibility to go and see the Peace Tower 🤍 It really looks like one feel peace when they visit, and John's bright energy as well, of course.
IMAGINE PEACE TOWER es una obra de arte al aire libre concebida por Yoko Ono en memoria de John Lennon. Está situada en la isla Viðey en Reykjavík, Islandia [ mapa ]. La obra de arte fue dedicada a John por Yoko en su inauguración el 9 de octubre de 2007, el día del 67 cumpleaños de John Lennon.

IMAGINE PEACE TOWER simboliza la continua campaña de Lennon y Ono por la paz mundial, que comenzó en los años sesenta, fue sellada con su matrimonio en 1969 y continuará para siempre.

La TORRE IMAGINE PEACE se ilumina cada año en las siguientes fechas:
  • 9 de octubre (cumpleaños de John) – desde las 8pm del amanecer.
  • 10 de octubre - 8 de diciembre (aniversario de su muerte) - desde una hora después de la puesta del sol hasta la medianoche.
  • Solsticio de invierno (21 de diciembre) hasta el 30 de diciembre: desde una hora después de la puesta del sol hasta la medianoche.
  • Nochevieja: desde las 20:00 horas hasta el amanecer del día de Año Nuevo.
  • La primera semana de primavera (del 20 al 27 de marzo), que también son las fechas de la boda y luna de miel de John y Yoko, desde las 8 p. m. hasta la medianoche.

Obtenga más información en imaginepeacetower.com .

Cuéntanos tus historias sobre IMAGINE PEACE TOWER a continuación.
A beautiful symbol representing so many beautiful things, without a doubt John continues to illuminate the world and our lives, one day I will visit that magical and beautiful place 🤍