🛍️ Favorite John Lennon Merch

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Not really a piece of John merch, but it was a T-Shirt he wore out one night in Hong Kong with David Bowie and Iggy Pop in early May 1977.
'Warrior' - available at Worn Free.
I've thought about getting this shirt for a while, and still haven't.
I think there is a pic floating around of Bowie wearing that shirt too?

I think in some ways Lennon was indeed a "Warrior" . Maybe not in the way one immediately thinks of a "warrior", but rather a warrior of peace, love and his own personal life and struggles and how he managed to push on, change, learn and evolve into a better version of himself.
When I was first reading it, I used the UV light on a few pages and didn't notice anything, and ended up so engrossed in the book that I honestly forgot to keep checking...!

I don't get the feeling there is any hidden UV content, but next time I look through it I will definitely take a cursory look with the light and get back to you!
OK. Thanks for checking. 😊
Unisex T-shirt worn by David Bowie and John Lennon. The Warrior, Japanese symbol. Organic cotton. Hand-made screen printing. Cult clothing. image 2
photos by Claude Vanheye (Amsterdam, 1977)

David Bowie (1999): During one of our expeditions on the back streets, a kid comes running up to him and says, “Are you John Lennon?” And he said, “No, but I wish I had his money.” It's brilliant. It was such a wonderful thing to say. The kid said, “Oh, sorry. Of course you aren't,” and ran off. I thought, “This is the most effective device I've heard.” I was back in New York a couple of months later in Soho, downtown, and a voice pipes up in my ear, “Are you David Bowie?” And I said, “No, but I wish I had his money.” “You lying bastard. You wish you had my money.” It was John Lennon.

'Warrior' T-Shirt - available at Worn Free.
photos by Claude Vanheye (Amsterdam, 1977)

David Bowie (1999): During one of our expeditions on the back streets, a kid comes running up to him and says, “Are you John Lennon?” And he said, “No, but I wish I had his money.” It's brilliant. It was such a wonderful thing to say. The kid said, “Oh, sorry. Of course you aren't,” and ran off. I thought, “This is the most effective device I've heard.” I was back in New York a couple of months later in Soho, downtown, and a voice pipes up in my ear, “Are you David Bowie?” And I said, “No, but I wish I had his money.” “You lying bastard. You wish you had my money.” It was John Lennon.

'Warrior' T-Shirt - available at Worn Free.
Their friendship... 🥹
photos by Claude Vanheye (Amsterdam, 1977)

David Bowie (1999): During one of our expeditions on the back streets, a kid comes running up to him and says, “Are you John Lennon?” And he said, “No, but I wish I had his money.” It's brilliant. It was such a wonderful thing to say. The kid said, “Oh, sorry. Of course you aren't,” and ran off. I thought, “This is the most effective device I've heard.” I was back in New York a couple of months later in Soho, downtown, and a voice pipes up in my ear, “Are you David Bowie?” And I said, “No, but I wish I had his money.” “You lying bastard. You wish you had my money.” It was John Lennon.

'Warrior' T-Shirt - available at Worn Free.
Name a more iconic duo, I’ll wait!